Moller Polarimeter

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Revision as of 00:34, 27 January 2011 by Magee (talk | contribs) (→‎Experiments)
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General information

This article will cover all things Hall-C Moller. currently, this includes all of the Qweak information. Information for past experiments can be found in the experiments section. This page is currently under construction, so please come back soon for more, or update me.

Documentation and references

The following are useful references:

The following is a plot showing a good tune of the apparatus. It was taken Nov. 14, 2010 from run 475, with conditions: hallc:p is 1160.09 MeV, with a 1um target.

Moller tune Nov 14 2010.png

Also, a screen shot of the moller medm screen. Note the Q1 and Q2 currents, and the location of the collimators. This data may change, but should be accurate for the near term.

Moller setup Nov 14 2010.png

Hardware configuration & changes

Up until last run in December (date tbd)we used BCM 2 with gain from Kat's Faraday cup measurements.
