Compton Meeting, May 23, 2011
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Doodle poll reminder
- Update on plans for laser work (Mark)
- Kent's Transfer function measurement note
- Designing mount for transfer function
- Summer intern (Brandon Cavness) arrives tomorrow
Photon detector
- Replay (wdc):
- On ifarml, aim for middle of June
- All resulting ROOT files will be stored on work disk
- Replay will include all macros as well
- Prereq: full BCM/BPM analysis
- Photon detector analyzer status:
- Scaler BCM/BPM read-out status (jc)
- What else? (excl. electron det)
- PbWO4:
- Summary meeting with Hamlet last Wednesday (kent/mark/dave/wdc)
- Dual pulser linearity test system (pulser logic) (jc?)
- DAQ summer plans:
- Increase data transfer speed to allow for more snapshots/longer sample windows
- Coincidence mode: What specs? Are we happy with what we have (Mark's accumulator mode response function)?
Electron detector
Mark, Amrendra, Wouter, JC, Kent, DD, Don
Discussed the need for the new mount -