Compton Meeting, June 2, 2011
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Following Meeting:
- Final dates for RadCon support
- Transfer function measurement
- Modifications to the LabView program
- Update on summer upgrade plans
Photon detector
- Replay:
- Pedestals
- Analyzer status
- PbWO4:
- Detector modification update
Electron detector
- Analysis
- Update on analysis
Attendance: Amrendra, Don, Manolis, Juan Carlos, Seth, Mark (chair), Wouter (minutes)
- Introduction Seth, working as REU summer student on LabView controls for laser polarization measurement
- Laser
- Mark will create atlis for radcon support to break vacuum
- LabView (Seth)
- got used to LabView during first week
- laser polarization measurement when light comes out of cavity (rotate polarizer to measure linear polarization)
- added pause button, added delay to flipper (get rid of early signal spike)
- all channels on same graph, working on error bars now
- Postpone transfer function measurement until after Qweak collab meeting (June 22--24), now start on June 27, Mark will double-check for conflicts with SAD schedule
- Measure gain/linewidth/etc precisely for NIM paper on laser cavity
- Spare CPU board (6100) arrived at W&M, will bring to JLab, will get used in electron test stand
- Photon detector
- PbWO4 modifications
- Big bolt on stand might interfere with thermos, or would have to reposition PLT on thermos
- Thermos measurements 12 inch (z) by 10 inch (width) by 9 inch (tall)
- Great big styrofoam box, hopefully only for test
- No room for lead under detector, lowering stand seems lot of work, room for 1 inch lead, need to find narrow lead, pictures coming up
- Thermal model of thermos: total power of Compton signal, is there a gradient?
- Hamlet wants to install fibers only once, Juan Carlos will look up fibers
- Gamma beam profiler system: quote on XY translation stage (travel range of 6 inches), needs to be developed during summer, two scintillators with small PMT
- Monte Carlo: modify geant3 to write events, then throw those into geant4 model of detector
- Replay
- Mark collected info on pedestals, should be accurate enough for replay, Wouter requests table with run range where which pedestal is valid, and divide by number of samples
- Kent is interested in also seeing the beam on, laser on/off pedestals, in addition to what is posted in elog 119
- Analyzer status: BCMs are working now, combined BCMs in progress, same procedure for BPMs so should be straight-forward porting
- PbWO4 modifications
- Electron detector
- Analyzer: added event mode reading, not yet possible to calculate asymmetries
- Only Amrendra working on this, Don created some macros
- Weighting not done correctly (?), normalization by current
- Electron detector meeting Thursday 4pm
- Analyzer: added event mode reading, not yet possible to calculate asymmetries