Compton Analysis

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Revision as of 11:33, 7 November 2012 by Cornejo (talk | contribs) (→‎Pass2)
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Compton Analysis

The goal of this page is to document all related issues with the analysis of the Compton data from both runs.

Run I

November 2010 to May 2011


November 2011 to May 2012


Pass 2 officially started on Monday November 5. Here is the status of where run ranges stand (by week)

Week# Date Start Run Range Rootfile Status Macro Status Comment
01 11/25/2011 22607 - 22656 Not started Not started Initial threading of beam through chicane 11/25
02 11/27/2011 22657 - 22789 Not started Not started
03 12/04/2011 22790 - 22935 Not started Not started
04 12/11/2011 22936 - 23026 Not started Not started
05 12/18/2011 23027 - 23094 Not started Not started
06 12/25/2011 23095 - 23096 -NA- -NA- Winter break shutdown. Test runs only
07 01/01/2012 23097 - 23121 Not started Not started
08 01/08/2012 23122 - 23153 Not started Not started
09 01/15/2012 23154 - 23280 Not started Not started
10 01/22/2012 23281 - 23443 Not started Not started
11 01/29/2012 23444 - 23601 Not started Not started
12 02/05/2012 23602 - 23764 Not started Not started
13 02/12/2012 23765 - 23889 Not started Not started
14 02/19/2012 23890 - 24051 Not started Not started
15 02/26/2012 24052 - 25204 Not started Not started
16 03/04/2012 24205 - 25384 Not started Not started
17 03/11/2012 24385 - 24526 Not started Not started
18 03/18/2012 24527 - 24661 Not started Not started
19 03/25/2012 24662 - 24829 Not started Not started
20 04/01/2012 24830 - 24972 Producing Not started
21 04/08/2012 24973 - 25116 Producing Not started Partial 879MeV running
22 04/15/2012 25117 - 25221 Producing Not started 879MeV running
23 04/22/2012 25222 - 25223 Producing Not started 3GeV running, mostly test runs
24 04/29/2012 25224 - 25316 Producing Not started
25 05/06/2012 25317 - 25541 Producing Not started
26 05/13/2012 25542 - 25561 In Silo Not started Last week!