Compton Meeting, August 6, 2014
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*********NEW BLUEJEANS CALL_IN INSTRUCTIONS********* ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 1-888-240-2560 (U.S. & Canada) 2. International participants dial: Toll Number: 1-408-740-7256 3. Enter meeting ID: 831693292
No meeting room. Call in, or come to Dave's office.
- Collaboration meeting 2 weeks away
- Goals for meeting discussed at July 9 meeting:
- Electron detector
- Resolve discrepancy between runlet-based and laser-cycle based analyses
- Assign final uncertainty for dead time/strip efficiency/trigger logic catch-all
- Start to address remaining "small" sources of uncertainty
- Photon detector
- Updated comparison of photon det. and electron det. (time dependence)
- Show updated "absolute" polarization (?) with new analyzing power
- Electron detector
- Presentations: who will be attending meeting and wants to speak?
- DG will present Moller
Electron detector
- Modelsim Updates (any?)
- Application of deadtime (from Modelsim) to data
- Runlet vs. laser-cycle based analyses
- Comparison of asymmetries from scalers and accumulators (time-dependence over whole Run 2)
- Run 1 analysis
- Remaining items on big uncertainty table (helicity correlated positions and angles, etc.)
Photon Detector
- Analysis updates
- Pedestal Corrected Accum0
- Talking to Brad about getting access to a MySQL DB from the farm. Previous SQLite3 instance I was using is too slow for added macros.
- DAQ updates
- Simulation
- N/A