How to Take a Moller Run

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Hall C Moller Step-By-Step Guide: How to take a Moller Run

A step-by-step guide for shift personnel to follow in order to take a Møller run. It is assumed that the polarimeter has already been set up and tuned for the present beam energy by an expert.

This document describes the steps to be taken by a Hall-C experimenter performing a Møller beam polarization measurement during NPS running. There is a complimentary procedure which the MCC operators will follow, [1]

  • Record Injector Parameters: during some period of "normal" NPS running, record the conditions of the polarized source and the state of the beam to the other halls. This will allow us to verify that we are taking Møller data in a state as close as possible to NPS production data-taking conditions.
  1. Login: ssh cdaq@cdaql2. Standard cdaq password.
  2. cd moller/anal/nps
  3. ./
  4. Capture this screen or transcribe its contents to the hclog
  • Møller GUIs: Start the Møller GUIs
  1. ssh cdaq@cdaql1
  2. jmenu
  3. Type "moller" in the jmenu search bar and select "Hall C Moller Combo"
  4. You should now see the main Møller control screen. Under the "Related Displays" button, open:
    1. HC Collimator/Target Ladder Controls
    2. Solenoid Power Supply
    3. Solenoid Temperatures
    4. Solenoid Compressor
  5. Open the Moller BPM gui:
    1. ssh cvxwrks@cdaql1
    2. cd MEDM/moller
    3. medm -x BPMs_for_moller 2019.adl
  6. HV: The Moller HV is available on the HMS HV GUI
  • More Møller BPMs: Open up this nifty PAW script
  1. ssh cdaq@cdaql1
  2. cd moller/BPM/
  3. python3
  • Verify the target magnet status: Check that the Møller solenoid is cold and ready.
  • Call MCC: tell them that you are getting ready for a Møller run. They will take a "zero pos" of the Hall C line and call you back when they are ready for you to retract the target.
  • Setting Up: At this point, MCC should start loading in the Møller optics. While they are doing that you can:
    1. Ask MCC to turn off the fast raster.
    2. Do we have to turn off any NPS or HMS HV's???
    3. Check BCM 2 Range: Carefully note the current status of the gain setting for BCM 2 and then change it to gain setting 5. The selector switch is on the left-hand side of a chassis in rack CH03B11 in the electronics room. Make sure to record in the hclog that you have done this carefully noting the original gain setting and the new one.
    4. Check BCM 17 gain. This can be checked via JMenu.