Output data structure in CODA

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The electron detector readout boards(v1495) are currently outputting data in the following format:

Event types defined

 Event type 1 : Helicity Reversal events
 Event type 2 : photon single events
 Event type 3 : electron single events
 Event type 4 : coincidence of electron and photon single events

Sub banks used

 Single Event Data from Slave-1: 0x201
 Single Event Data from Slave-2: 0x202
 Single Event Data from Slave-3: 0x203
 Accumulation Data from Slave-1 : 0x204
 Accumulation Data from Slave-2 : 0x205
 Accumulation Data from Slave-3 : 0x206

If the TS2 did not receive either of the type-1 or type-4 triggers then the message logger will start printing "Event type and number are:" followed by the value assigned to the variable event_ty

Structure inside Accumulation sub-bank

The data in 0x204(electron accumulation from slave-1) will have thirty-two 32 bit words in the following format.

Structure inside single-event subbank

The single event data of slave-1 (sub-bank 0x201) has five 32 bit words. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th words tells the hit-pattern as recorded by the channels 1 through 32 on planes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. These 4 words are followed by a word with some redundant information in the following format.

Similarly, data from s2 and s3 contains the hit map of strip 33-64 and 65-96 on all planes respectively in the above order.

These patterns and numbers can be changed with ease, but this is the format in which the most recent data files are found.