Electron Detector DAQ
- Nomenclature Conventions
- Pin Plan of v1495
- Library of functions
- Signal Flow Layout
- Output data structure in CODA
- Generic info: v1495
Trigger Formation
The signals received from 96 strips of each detector plane are processed to form a single trigger in each trigger window. Signals from strips 1-4 are OR-ed to form the first sub-cluster, strips 5-8 are OR-ed again to form the 2nd sub-cluster and so on. The first and second sub-clusters are OR-ed to form the signal called plane-1's cluster-1 output. The second and third sub-clusters are OR-ed again to form the signal called plane-1's cluster-2 output. Following this pattern, there is a total of 7 signal clusters formed from each plane. The output from corresponding signal clusters of all 4 planes are checked for the trigger condition in the coincidence time window set by the pulse-width of Delay-line(parameter pwdl).
For instance, if the parameters
event-trigger = 2 accum-trigger = 3 PWDL = 100 ns
then the master board will generate the event trigger output only if at least 2 of the 4 clusters(one coming from each plane) are found high during the rising edge of the inbuilt 25ns clock. The occurrence of above condition will be checked 4 times at intervals of 25 ns because the coincidence time(PWDL) is set to 100 ns (4x25)
The flexibility of 8 channels (every signal cluster has 8 channels) was allowed because we were not sure if we would be able to install our detectors at a precision of more than a millimeter. Visually they are very well aligned. The pitch of the detector is 200 um, hence a 8 strip flexibility will allow an overall position offset of 1.6mm (=8x200um) across the 4 planes.
v1495 Firmware Revision History
Slave Board
All the documented firmware revisions that are updated here, can be found in the SVN mentioning their revision numbers.
- 2005: fully working and checked with Readout.
- 2006[Jan 29 '10]: added an added feature of minimum width rejection in the Reconditioning module of the firmware
- After moving to the 32 bit version for slave boards, the firmware # starts from 3201 onwards. As of Oct 20, we are using Revision number 3210 on the slave boards. Notice that Revision version 320F (the just previous version) had a bug.
Master Board
- AA07 : unlike v.AA06, the buf_busy signal does not affect the generation of trigger signals from the master board.(needs to be investigated further)