Starting Compton CODA

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Revision as of 21:16, 13 December 2011 by Narayan (talk | contribs) (New page: #Make sure there is no CODA component left running. This can be cleanly done by typing '''$KILL_CODA_SCRIPT''' from any terminal on the compton computer (ccomptl1) #Make sure that the 'AFE...)
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  1. Make sure there is no CODA component left running. This can be cleanly done by typing $KILL_CODA_SCRIPT from any terminal on the compton computer (ccomptl1)
  2. Make sure that the 'AFECS Platform' and Codamaster are not left running, if you find it running, close that too.
  3. From a fresh terminal on ccomptl1 (logged in as cdaq) type in codamaster (and hit return)
  4. A window will open for run-configuration selection. Select 'standard' (and hit ok)
  5. The codamaster screen will open up. All the components of CODA are to be started from here.
  6. Open the components in the given order waiting for few seconds after opening every component
    1. AFECS Platform
    2. EB
    3. ER
    4. Run control (the run-control window may take sometime to open)
  7. On the RC-GUI that opens up when you hit run control, select Sessions as 'compton_ccomptl1'
  8. Click on Connect
    1. Configure
    2. Download
    3. Prestart
    4. Go