Starting Compton CODA
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- Make sure there is no CODA component left running. This can be cleanly done by typing $KILL_CODA_SCRIPT from any terminal on the compton computer (ccomptl1)
- Make sure that the 'AFECS Platform' and Codamaster are not left running, if you find it running, close that too.
- From a fresh terminal on ccomptl1 (logged in as cdaq) type in codamaster (and hit return)
- A window will open for run-configuration selection. Select 'standard' (and hit ok)
- The codamaster screen will open up. All the components of CODA are to be started from here.
- Open the components in the given order waiting for few seconds after opening every component
- AFECS Platform
- EB
- ER
- Run control (the run-control window may take sometime to open)
- On the RC-GUI that opens up when you hit run control, select Sessions as 'compton_ccomptl1'
- Click on Connect
- Configure
- Download
- Prestart
- Go