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Jump to navigationJump to search- 18:41, 19 February 2010 diff hist +4 Pin Plan of v1495 →Slave board
- 18:41, 19 February 2010 diff hist +330 Pin Plan of v1495 →Slave board
- 17:41, 6 February 2010 diff hist +42 N Test Box New page: 1050 px
- 17:39, 6 February 2010 diff hist +119 N File:Detector Snaps 003.JPG The test box with High voltage connection and proper grounding , capable of testing two Detector planes simultaneously. current
- 15:59, 5 February 2010 diff hist 0 m Shielded Flex Cables
- 15:58, 5 February 2010 diff hist +14 Shielded Flex Cables
- 15:56, 5 February 2010 diff hist +219 N Shielded Flex Cables New page: Connecting the Flex cable between Diamond Detector and QWAD Image:Flex_004.JPG The Diamond Detector deep in the test box and the Flex cables apparently unable reach the required con...
- 15:45, 5 February 2010 diff hist +85 N File:Flex 005.JPG Difficulty in connecting the flex with the detector 50-pin connection inside the box. current
- 15:44, 5 February 2010 diff hist +46 N File:Flex 004.JPG Connecting DD and QWAD with the Flex Cable - 1 current
- 15:43, 5 February 2010 diff hist +21 N File:Flex Cable 002.JPG the flex cable as is. current
- 15:40, 5 February 2010 diff hist +74 Compton Polarimeter →Subsystems
- 16:19, 29 January 2010 diff hist +316 Compton Polarimeter →Data Acquisition
- 08:56, 28 January 2010 diff hist +3 Compton Polarimeter →Data Acquisition
- 08:51, 28 January 2010 diff hist +1,725 N Output data structure in CODA New page: The electron detector readout boards(v1495) are currently outputting data in the following format: == Event types defined == Event type 1 : single event mode Event type 4 : accumulati...
- 08:50, 28 January 2010 diff hist +928 N Signal Flow Layout New page: The signals from the top cluster of 32 strips (0-31) are given as an input (via QWAD) to the v1495 board (say) Slave-1 (s1). In the slave boards: the A port gets signals from plane-1 th...
- 08:49, 28 January 2010 diff hist +7,250 N Library of functions New page: These are the library of functions for the v1495 slave boards. v1495cpInit(''laddr''): This function initializes the board by # reseting all the buffers # checking board ID's # check...
- 08:49, 28 January 2010 diff hist +4,170 N Pin Plan of v1495 New page: Note: Please go through the nomenclature conventions to follow this section clearly. While programming the firmware, the Pin plan has been assumed. All sig...
- 08:47, 28 January 2010 diff hist +722 N Nomenclature Conventions New page: === Conventions followed in the Firmware === The number of pins is numbered starting from 1 whereas the pin numbers are numbered starting from 0. chc: Compton Hall C s1: slave 1 s2: s...
- 08:46, 28 January 2010 diff hist +188 Compton Polarimeter