Compton Meeting, March 22, 2012 (F226)

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Meeting room: F226 (same room 2 weeks in a row..)

Call-in information:

1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 303-248-0285
Or International Toll-Free Number:
3. Enter your 7-digit access code, followed by “#”

 --> our access code is 3227471



  1. Thermal lensing can be removed by not using flipper: Laser elog 191

Photon Detector

  1. LED run 24435 - analysis issues/questions resolved? Photon det. elog 183 Yes
  2. LED run 24608 - Installed ND filter, effectively cutting max Variable light by half (a little more, really). DAC settings lowered.

Electron Detector

  1. Electron detector 1mm closer to beam Edet elog 348
  2. Results from 2nd PWTL readout Edet elog 346
  3. Updated Run 2 results Edet elog 349
  4. PWTL scans: summary?
