Compton Meeting, July 26, 2012 (F226)

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  • DAQ move next Monday --> EEL 126
  1. DG has been documenting setup
  2. Move VME crates and contents: NIM crates too?
  3. Need to clean up in EEL a little
  4. Meet in CH at 9:30 am, Monday if you want to help
  • Collaboration meeting talk coordination
  1. Compton overview (Dalton): to include transfer function, short edet and photon detector status, Monte Carlo studies, Pass 2 analysis preparations
  2. Electron detector (Tvaskis): analysis improvements, studies, noise subtraction issues
  3. Photon detector (Cornejo): Pass 1 slugwise results, linearity studies and first estimates


  • Transfer function updates

Electron Detector

  • GEANT 3 simulation, systematic test updates:
  1. Effect of dead strips on measured asymmetry: Edet log 404
  2. Simulating plane 4 w/half the strips not functioning Edet log 406
  3. Extracted P accounting for detector tilt vs. not: Edet log 405
  4. Various sensitivity tests (detector z, dipole field, detector tilt, beam energy): Edet log 407
  • Effect of strip width vs. Compton edge: Edet log 408
    • Note: compare to Erik's MC study from last week: Edet log 402. Results seem pretty consistent.
    • Analysis issue: VT shows that if we can fit the Compton edge, our sensitivity to this goes away. Are we back to requiring a 3 parameter fit?

Photon Detector

  • LED system update --> measurements with larger delta: any analysis of this data yet?
  • Progress on Photon Detector Analysis Tasks
  • Slug-wise analysis for Run 2 - any insight on shifts relative to Moller/edet?

Other analysis