Compton Meeting, November 7, 2012 (L210A)
From PolWiki
1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada) 2. International participants dial: Toll Number: 303-248-0285= Or International Toll-Free Number: 3. Enter your 7-digit access code, followed by “#” --> our access code is 3227471
Meeting room, L210A
- Pass 2 analysis update
- [[ Status Update]]
- Collaboration meeting next week - draft slides by next meeting please (Nov. 14).
- Laser is still totally off.
Electron Detector
- 2 vs. 3 parameter fits with GEANT3 data elog 435
- Moller-Compton-Moller data with and without noise subtraction elog 434
- Run-2 analysis comparisons with different fit methods more elog 434
Photon Detector
- Tasks
- Slug-wise analysis of pass 2 data (once pass 2 is complete)
- Analytic calculation of analyzing power with continuous fit to non-linearity
- Lead-tungstate in MC
- Has anyone measured the lead yet?