Compton Meeting, November 28, 2012 (F228)
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- Pass 2 analysis update
- Schedule for laser polarization summary
Electron Detector
- Updates on Amrendra's parallel analysis
- 3 vs. 2 parameter fit
Photon Detector
- Tasks
- Slug-wise analysis of pass 2 data (once pass 2 is complete)
- Analytic calculation of analyzing power with continuous fit to non-linearity
- Lead-tungstate in MC
- Lead measurements
Meeting Notes
Present: Dave Gaskell, Amrendra Narayan, Mark Dalton, Juan Carlos Cornejo (notes), Wouter Deconinck, Dipunkar Dutta
- Discussion of new meeting time
- Will have to wait to see what times the Monday Analysis Meeting and the Friday Physics Meeting get reschedule to.
- Pass2 Discussion
- Juan Carlos: Finished processing rootfiles. Took about 3 days, including time needed to store to silo.
- Mark: Asks for a sample of scripts (every 20th for example) to be fully run to do a quick data quality and script sanity test
- Assigned to Juan Carlos
- Laser
- Mark: Will come up with a schedule and plan for the necessary work to start after the counting house is open again
- Run 1: needs to think about what needs to be done
- Run 2: plans to monitor reflected light vs time, and look at max deviation setting vs polarization
- Mark: Will come up with a schedule and plan for the necessary work to start after the counting house is open again
- Electron Detector
- Amrendra: Ran scripts through all of pass 2 data.
- Compton edge differences are gone.
- Differences were caused by comparing time normalized signal to background, but now can compare charge normalized signal to background.
- Dave: wants Amrendra to provide the function that he is using for his fits
- Dave: wants someone to look at Vladas's method and Amrendra's method side by side to look for mistakes
- Dave: Asks about consensus about the 2-parameter vs 3 parameter affair?
- No consensus yet
- Dave: Will check what happens when one uses an additive factor, instead of a multiplicative factor in these fits by looking at the simulation
- Amrendra: Ran scripts through all of pass 2 data.
- Photon Detector
- Juan Carlos: Focused on GEANT4 simulation. Something wrong with it because many events were still missing the lead tungstate
- Juan Carlos: Measured the thin lead (was >2mm), but still needs to make an ELOG about it.