Compton Meeting, June 11, 2013 (L210A)
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Usual meeting room (L210A).
- Collaboration meeting coming up. Note from Mark Pitt:
This will be an important meeting. We will be carefully assessing our progress to determine how realistic our goal of putting forward an April 2014 invited talk nomination by the deadline of October is (the final decision would be made at our October collaboration meeting).
See minutes from last week. We should be prepared to discuss estimates for final Run 1 results at collaboration meeting.
- Counting House availability: need to check with Walt Akers.
- Still need to start measurements.
Photon Detector
- Look at backgrounds via scalers - correlate with extracted asymmetries.
- Certifying the Monte Carlo
- Any progress/checks in light of last week's discussions?
Electron detector
- Efficiencies from tracking mode data (accounting for angle of electrons on detector)
- Apparent stripwise offset between planes 1,2, and 3.
- Noisy plane 1, strip 2
- Asymmetry in using "scalers" vs. "triggered" events, part 1: DAQ&Analysis log 282
- Asymmetry in using "scalers" vs. "triggered" events: 2/3 and 3/3 trigger part 2: DAQ&Analysis log 281
- Last week's meeting.