Burning new firmware in v1495

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  • You need to login into the CPU of the crate which has this v1495 using telnet or minicom.
 telnet c-comptonv0
  • change your directory to the place where you have the firmware saved
 cd "/home/cdaq/Compton/firmware/"
  • check if the list of files to confirm the new firmware in this location
  • load the object file corresponding to the CAEN provided lib. [This library has the function 'v1495firmware' defined]
 ld < v1495.o
  • check the VME bus address to which this v1495 is mapped. by running the sysBusToLocalAdrs command followed by printing the value.
 sysBusToLocalAdrs(0x39, 0x200000 , &laddr);
1st parameter: 0x39 stands for 24 bit addressing on my v1495 board, which could have been 0x09 in 32 bit addressing mode.
2nd parameter: 0x200000 is the hardware address set by me on this v1495, by setting the Hexa decimal dip switches on the top of the board to '0','0','2','0'. the last 4 bytes are automatically '0'
3rd parameter: laddr is a local variable (stands for local address), (if it is not already defined, then enter "laddr =0" in the CPU terminal to create a variable with that name)
  • finally run the function v1495firmware to burn in the binary file into the EEPROM of the v1495.
1st parameter: 0xFA200000 is the local VME bus addr of the v1495, corresponding to my hardware addr of 0x200000, found in step 5
2nd parameter: v1495chcmaster_AA04.rbf is the name of the (raw binary format) file that I want to burn into the User FPGA memory of the v1495.(in the local directory/folder where I call this function)
3rd parameter: 0 stands for writing in ['1' for reading out]
4th parameter: 0 stands for User FPGA ['1' for Bridge FPGA]

This will take around 5 minutes. wait until that time, after which I see a message:

 Updating firmware of the FPGA USER with the file v1495_fullchainTest_A007.rbf
 End of file: bp=112 bcnt=444952
 Firmware loaded successfully. Written 444952 bytes
 Reloading user FPGA firmware...done!

Reboot the crate once and the new code would be loaded.

Any new firmware loaded to the flash memory takes precedence and gets loaded in the User FPGA rather than the one stored in the permanent memory. Still after burning a code to the flash memory, if you again reboot the crate, the firmware loaded in the permanent memory gets loaded again.