V1495 Hardware address
The first four numbers in the following address is assigned by setting up appropriate dip-switches on the v1495 side panel. Each individual dip switch allows a choice from 0 to F.
Master Board
The four dip switches on the Master board (from left to right) are assigned as '0' , '0' , '2' , '0'
In order to access this board remotely, we need to enter the hardware address 0x200000. The last 4 zeros are assigned automatically, since we have set the first 4 bytes to be '0020'.
This VME CPU of this crate is connected to the port server hctsv4 on port 10. In order to connect to this CPU for remote operations on the master board via minicom terminal we need to enter
telnet hctsv4 2010
Slave Board
The four dip switches on slave 1 (from left to right) are assigned as '0' , '0' , '2' , '1' The four dip switches on slave 2 (from left to right) are assigned as '0' , '0' , '2' , '2' The four dip switches on slave 3 (from left to right) are assigned as '0' , '0' , '2' , '3'
This VME CPU of this crate is connected to the port server hctsv4 on port 2. In order to connect to this CPU which handles all the three slave v1495's we need to enter
telnet hctsv4 2002
Once we are in the right CPU, the first argument of each function selects the specific board on which we want to run an operation.
eg. v1495cpSetWidth(2,10,10,10,10) sets the PWTL, PWDL, Hold off and Pipeline delay time for slave-2 to 250ns (10x25ns)