Compton Meeting, February 14, 2011
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Kent, Amrendra, Mark, Vladas, Wouter (minutes), Dave (chair)
- Only last few days we had good beam
- before that, bad background, flucts in norm scint by factors
- since Friday/Saturday we have better conditions, S/N of 50%
- CPslow keeps locking up
- memory issue? need to run memtest on it at next access
- pictures of every lock-up would be useful
- hcreboot switch from GEM will be used for Compton
- Don set it up to reboot on exception error, not tested yet
- Electron detector
- presentation by Vladas
- efficiency of ~8% for plane 1, ~2.5% for planes 2 and 3
- efficiency-corrected population per strip looks reasonable
- Compton-edge at strip 48, or 1.74 cm (according to Mark & Jay's calculation)
- strip 0 is approximately half-way between rho = 0 and rho = 1
- now 3.6 mm away from beam?? should be 8.5 mm to strip 0, so maybe 7 mm, but then guard strips, and first 4 strips are connected to ground... so maybe 6 mm
- presentation by Vladas