Burning new firmware in v1495
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- You need to login into the CPU of the crate which has this v1495 using telnet or minicom.
telnet ccomptvme2
- change your directory to the place where you have the firmware saved
cd "/home/cdaq/compton/firmware/"
- check if the list of files to confirm the new firmware in this location
- load the object file corresponding to the CAEN provided lib. [This library has the function 'v1495firmware' defined]
ld < v1495.o
- check the VME bus address to which this v1495 is mapped. by running the sysBusToLocalAdrs command followed by printing the value.
sysBusToLocalAdrs(0x39, 0x220000 , &laddr); printf("0x%x\n",laddr);
- 1st parameter: 0x39 stands for 24 bit addressing on my v1495 board, which could have been 0x09 in 32 bit addressing mode.
- 2nd parameter: 0x220000 is the hardware address set by me on the v1495-slave-2, by setting the Hexa decimal dip switches on the top of the board to '0','0','2','2'. the last 4 bytes are automatically '0'
- slave-0 has a hardware address of 0x200000
- slave-1 has a hardware address of 0x210000
- slave-2 has a hardware address of 0x220000
- slave-3 has a hardware address of 0x230000
- 3rd parameter: laddr is a local variable (stands for local address), (if it is not already defined, then enter "laddr =0" in the CPU terminal to create a variable with that name)
- finally run the function v1495firmware to burn in the binary file into the EEPROM of the v1495.
- 1st parameter: 0xFA220000 is the local VME bus addr of the v1495, corresponding to my hardware addr of 0x220000, found in step 5
- 2nd parameter: V1495CP_32bit_r320E.rbf is the name of the (raw binary format) file that I want to burn into the User FPGA memory of the v1495.(in the local directory/folder where I call this function)
- 3rd parameter: 0 stands for writing in ['1' for reading out]
- 4th parameter: 0 stands for User FPGA ['1' for Bridge FPGA]
This will take around 5 minutes. wait until that time, after which I see a message:
Updating firmware of the FPGA USER with the file V1495CP_32bit_r320E.rbf End of file: bp=112 bcnt=444952 Firmware loaded successfully. Written 444952 bytes Reloading user FPGA firmware...done!
Reboot the crate once and the new code would be loaded.