Electron Analysis
From PolWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchPreliminary list of analysis tasks
- 1. Singles data
- 2. Event mode data
- a) stability of normalized rates vs runlet (strip by strips)
- b) normalized tracking rates and multiplicity vs runlets
- c) use 2/3 and 3/3 to examine strip efficiency
- d) use strip efficiency to verify consistency between 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 triggers
- e) efficiency weighted rates
- f) efficiency weighted rates vs Compton cross-section
- g) automated Compton edge finder
- h) use tracking to confirm offsets between planes
- i) Check stability of offsets
- 3. Accum mode data
- a) stability of normalized rates vs runlet (strip by strip)
- b) efficiency weighted rates, compared to Compton cross section
- c) asymmetry vs runlet (strip by strip)
- d) asymmetry vs actual displacement of the electron (Compton edge position)
- e) consistency between 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 trigger types
- [[f] noise subtraction and its effect on asymmetry and yield
- g) polarization vs runlet
- h) consistency between different methods of extracting polarization
- 4. Verify consistency between Fortran and C++ analyzers for most of these items.