Compton Meeting, June 16, 2011
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Following Meeting:
Photon Detector
- Followup to Gaskell analysis studies from last week
- Don's talk for the collaboration meeting (outline, topics, etc.)
Electron Detector
- Vladas' talk for the collaboration meeting (outline, topics, etc.)
- If anyone has started looking into getting ROOT macros running on the farm, please let me know. --Wdconinc 02:40, 16 June 2011 (UTC)
Dave G, Mark D, Seth C, Kent P, Jeff M
Vladas T at CAP, Don J ill
- Compton Half Day meeting on Tuesday in B207 9 am to noon. Dave will organise a call in number. Emphasis on making others aware on what each group will be working on and what support/resources are needed.
- Dave G says the new motion control is on the way. Seth will look into whether we need another RS232 cable
- Mark has put in job at machine shop for 2 more new mirror mounts
- What is the work planned:
- What do we plan to do about optical isolation from the laser?
- How much higher in gain in the cavity will we go for?
- Will we use symmetric or asymmetric cavity mirror configuration?
Photon Detector
- Discussed asymmetries in the background. Dave G will do simulation. Don will make a plot of background differences over time.
- Don is ill so we can't discuss his talk
Electron Detector
- Vladas is at CAP so we can't discuss his talk