Compton Meeting, August 31, 2011
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FYI this is just a copy of last meeting's agenda.
- Laser polarization analysis update (Dalton)
- Cavity upgrade progress
- Interlock beacon fixed
Photon Detector
- LED system
- mini-scanner update
- Cooling system update
Electron Detector
- Analysis update
- Anything new on QWADs?
- Fiducialization preparation status
- BPM/V2F issue (we still need to fix this)
- Dave is STILL goofing off
- Compton area cleanup in tunnel --> remove unused stuff, etc.
- Asked for 16 more cables from patch near e-det - pull this week
New stuff
- PAVI11: Compton polarimetry talk by Yoshio Imai, any photon figures to show?