Compton Meeting, December 8, 2011
From PolWiki
- Entrance function analysis (maybe defer until Mark returns)
Photon Detector
- LED system
- Analysis --> scripts?
- Scanner detector - more results
Electron Detector
- Further commissioning
- Give CALIB to one side of each plane taking 1 minute run and making sure that everything is where it should be [=30 min] '*'
- List of tests with full production beam and keeping all other parameters fixed at their currently used values
- Perform a HV scan from -200 to -450 in steps of 75 V (should we do this?) [10 min @ each voltage] = 40 min
- With full production beam perform a scan of pipeline delay [5 min @ each value; 3 values of either side of current optimum]=30 min
- Perform a scan of the minimum width parameter [5 min @ each value; 3 values of either side of current optimum]
- perform a scan of QWAD threshold [2 min run from 4.2V to 6.0V in steps of 0.2V] = 30 min
- Set all of the above to the optimal parameters and vary event-trig to 4/4 & 2/4 while keeping accum-trig at 2/4
- On one of the slaves, at the above optimum parameters check the chip-scope view of the data (take several snapshots)
- with calibration input ~ 9 kel '*'
- with 10 uA beam
- with full production beam
- From the hits spectra identify noisy strips and mask them if the background subtracted value is also flaky
- Schedule
- Detector motion reproducibility: what's going on??
- Systematic uncertainties - it would be nice to start a summary document/report
- '*' this can be done parasitically during any downtime.
- For all the above tests, we don't need to disconnect anything at the detector or the v1495 end
- For CALIB tests, we only need to plug in the function generator input and without disconnecting any other connection
- It would take much less time to do the above tests if Green monster is enabled on our DAQ
- Can we revert to old root tree structure?
- BPM calibrations (DG has some pedestals)
- BCM calibrations
- Edet analysis from root trees