Starting Compton CODA

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If you face this situation, please take a screenshot of the crashed CODA state and make an hclog entry about with the snapshot, mentioning the run during which it crashed and putting the email of the Compton-on-call in the email of the entry.

Following are the steps that one needs to follow for bringing back the Compton CODA

  1. Make sure there is no CODA component left running. This can be cleanly done by typing $KILL_CODA_SCRIPT from any terminal on the compton computer (ccomptl1)
  2. Make sure that the 'AFECS Platform' and 'Codamaster' are not left running either. (You will have to close AFECS Platform twice)
  3. From a fresh terminal on ccomptl1 (logged in as cdaq) type in codamaster (and hit return)
  4. A window will open for run-configuration selection. Select 'standard' (and hit ok)
  5. The Codamaster screen will open up. All the components of CODA are to be started from here.
  6. Open the components in the given order waiting for few seconds after opening every component
    1. AFECS Platform
    2. ET System
    3. Event Builder
    4. Event Rrecorder
    5. Run control (this may take 10's of seconds to open)
      1. Click on Sessions and select 'compton_ccomptl1'
      2. Click on Control and select Connect (and wait for it to complete)
      3. Click on Configure (and wait for it to complete)
      4. Click on Download (and wait for it to complete)
      5. Click on Prestart (and wait for the 'GO' button to become green)
      6. Click on Go (this will start the run)
      7. There is a pink-screen that appears on 'Prestart', after hitting 'GO' you can fill it up appropriately.
      8. For every run number, the 'Event Recorder' opens a unique file, this filename has the run-number appended to it. Check if the file name carries the current Compton run number. The name of this file should be visible in the messages on the 'Event Recorder'

If the above steps went right, then on the run control GUI, you should see

  • Expid :compton
  • Session :compton_ccomptl1
  • Configuration :standard

The following picture shows a sample of how the Compton CODA setup looks when it is ready for a run and has just completed a run successfully Functional Compton CODA.png