Compton Meeting, December 17, 2014
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No meeting room. Call in, or come to Dave's office.
- Congratulations Dr. Narayan
Electron detector
- Accum/Scaler asymmetries vs. current
- Effect of detector resolution: Edet log 648
- Effect of noise on high and low current runs Edet log 647
- Remaining items on big uncertainty table (helicity correlated positions and angles, etc.)
- Amrendra's job list before leaving town
Photon Detector
- Scintillation vs. cerenkov contribution to lead-tungstate response Photon log 280
- Scintillation vs. cerenkov: hits on cathode Photon log 281
- Primary photon crystal hitting face Photon log 282
- Synchrotron contribution: Photon log 283
- Geant4 Resolution of Mono-energetic beams: Photon log 284
- N/A