Compton Meeting, February 9, 2012 (F226)
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Back to regular meeting room: F226
Call-in information:
1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada) 2. International participants dial: Toll Number: 303-248-0285 Or International Toll-Free Number: 3. Enter your 7-digit access code, followed by “#” --> our access code is 3227471
- Laser repair update (Gaskell): It's fixed.
Photon Detector
- LED system: more results? (Cornejo)
- Snapshots - scripts, prescale, etc. (Dalton, Deconinck)
- Next steps to "absolute" measurement?
Electron Detector
- Dead time studies (Dutta, Tvaskis, Narayan)
- Position dependence study from last fall (Tvaskis, Jones)
- Compton position lock (Dalton, Dutta, all)
- Collaboration meeting talk (Gaskell): systematic error studies and budget
- BCM17 calibration