Compton Meeting, January 11, 2012 (F226)
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- Laser repair update (Gaskell)
- Entrance function status and laser polarization (Dalton)
Photon Detector
- LED linearity system (Cornejo)
Electron Detector
- Detector commissioning studies: what remains? (Narayan, Dutta)
- Parallel root analysis (Narayan)
- Special studies: beam position scan from Dec., rate dependence
Talks for Hall C Meeting
- Switching to the split backplane ELMA Crate ?
Attending:D. Gaskell, M. Dalton, D. Jones, V. Tvaskis, A. Asaturyan, H. Mkrtchyan
By phone: Jeff Martin
- Laser in hall repaired - some noise issues initially that mysteriously went away Sunday. 2nd laser needs new diode - waiting for quote.
- Entrance/transfer function: Mark is working on fits to entrance function. Also, taking data in order to apply similar technique to exit transfer function.
Photon Detector:
- Reviewed asymmetries from Don's log entry ( since Hamlet had not yet seen them.
- Discussed LED system status - Don indicated that in conversation with Juan Carlos, he heard there might be some cross-talk between the LEDs.
- May schedule a dedicated photon detector meeting to see where things stand, and make a plan going forward.
Electron detector:
- Reviewed Dipangkar's latest log entry ( Edet rates vary in a manner similar to photon detector. However, 3/4 rates show less time dependence. Indication of rate-dependent inefficiency?
- Dave thinks it's important to make a plan to study the dead time.
- Vladas notes some concern about charge normalization - Dave will look at BCM calibration data from last fall.
- Dave asked Don to make a run list for the position scan studies from December - then we'll get "best" edet polarization values from Vladas to look at correlation.
- Swapping in ELMA crate? Defer until more discussion with Amrendra.