Compton Meeting, November 13, 2013

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1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 303-248-0285=
Or International Toll-Free Number:
3. Enter your 7-digit access code, followed by “#”

 --> our access code is 3227471


No meeting room. Call in, or come to Dave's office.


  • Collaboration meeting - slide comments
  • Juan Carlos' slides: pdf
  • Amrendra's slides: Google-docs
  • Dave's slides : pdf


  • Reminder: Laser polarization for Run 1: P_laser = 99.5 +/- 0.5 %
  • Laser polarization for Run 2 was discussed Monday - uncertainty on the order of 0.2% or less.

Photon Detector

  • LED test updates
  • Simulation updates.
  • Detector stuff mostly removed - just need to move detector itself.

Electron detector
