Compton Meeting, October 3, 2012 (F228)
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Meeting room, F228
- Pass 2 analysis
- BPM offsets ELOG 243 understood?
- Low current BCM calibration done Moller Elog 110
- Remaining analysis tasks Tasks
- Direct test of cavity polarization maximization method: Laser elog 201 (Mark is back, maybe he cares to comment)
Electron Detector
- Further discussion of analysis technique, 2 vs. 3 parameter fits Edet log 431
- Further noise-related discussions
- One suggested test from 2 weeks ago was to analyze Moller-Compton-Moller data with and without noise subtraction (Is this test done yet?)
Photon Detector
- Tasks
- Analytic calculation of analyzing power with continuous fit to non-linearity
- Lead-tungstate in MC
Present: Dave Gaskell, Amrendra Narayan, Wouter Deconinck, Mark Dalton, Juan Carlos Cornejo (notes), Vladas Tvaskis, Dipungkar Dutta
- BPMs
- Will use relative gains found from BPM measurement. Introduce to code as alpha= BPM+ / BPM-
- BCMs
- Dave: Calibrated low current running
- JC2: Will enter all BCM calibrations into the analyzer
- Laser
- Mark: Nothing new to add. We need to determine priority for moving forward. He suggests at the moment laser work has low priority when compared to Qweak.
- Deffer polarization work until later...
- Electron Detector
- Vladas: Shows 3-parameter fit ELOG
- Discussion of goal:
- Dave: Goal was to do 3-parameter fit only
- Vladas: Goal was to also be able to distinguish systematic errors from statistical errors.
- Dave: Complicating things. If 3-parameter fit works, why not just use it?
- Mark: The non-systematic error is not statistical error. It is fitting error. We can't avoid including it.
- ...
- Dave: Extra work is circular, if we already do the 3-parameter fit and it works, why then go back to 2-parameter fit? Instead, do the 3-p fit and then go do 3-p MC and see what systematics we get.
- DD: The issue is to do the same N-parameter fit in MC as in data. Which to use? That is the question.
- Noise correction for Moller-Compton-Moller
- Has not been done yet.
- Amrendra: Prefers this to be done soon-ish, because he wants to compare to his method that does laser cycle analysis which removes the noise.
- Photon Detector
- Linearity issues
- JC2: Will make a piecewice fit to the linearity data.
- Linearity issues
Action Items
- (**JC2**): Make ELOG about BPM calibration. Feed values to analyzer.
- (**JC2**): Enter BCM calibrations into analyzer
- (**Vladas**): Change the 3-fit to set the max parameter fit (the CE) as the higher-side-edge of the strip, instead of the lower side. Then see how things change.
- (**Vladas**): Will do the Moller-Compton-Moller analysis without taking the noise into account.
- (**JC2 && Wouter**): Will look at analyzer crash.