Electron Analysis Tasks (new)
From PolWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis page contains a list of analysis tasks that need to be done to quote a polarization number for the electron detector. Items that overlap for electron and photon were copied from the photon detector list
Run list
- Have we identified the major breaks in the data taking (high voltage changes, spot moves, lead thickness, etc)?
- Is this information accessible and verifiable?
- Do we have a list of runs that are supposed to be 'production quality'?
- Modification of this list will continue after replay.
Replay of data
- Do we have the best BCM and BPM calibrations? Are they active in the analyzer for the appropriate run range?
- Are the replay level cuts implemented and verified? Eliminating overflow (255), excess hits etc
- Do we have analysis scripts for all quantities? Beam charge asymmetry, beam position, beam slope at interaction point, electronic noise?
- Do we have the ability to look at all quantities on laser cycle level?
Hits Spectra per laser cycle
- Do we have hits spectra per laser cycle?
- Are there correlations between strip hit rates and beam position, beam slope etc
- Are the singles and 2/3 rates consistent?
- What to do with misbehaving and or noisy strips
- Are there scripts to determine Compton edge strip?
- Is the Compton edge stable between laser cycles?
Asymmetry per laser cycle
- What is the asymmetry per laser cycle?
- Is the strip-by-strip asymmetry consistent?
- What to do with strips with unusual variations in the asymmetry?
- Are there correlations (as expected) between asymmetry and beam position, beam slope per laser cycle?
QED Asymmetry curve
- What is the exact distance of each plane from the 3rd dipole?
- What is the distance of the Compton edge from the beam?
- Do we have the best x - to - rho conversion?
Polarization per laser cycle
- What is the best method to fit the QED curve to the measured asymmetry curve?
- Is the geometry parameter (2nd parameter) consistent between planes and stable between laser cycles?
- What is the variation in polarization due to finite strip width?
- What is the polarization per laser cycle?
Polarization per slug
- What is the weighted mean asymmetry per slug?
- What is the polarization per slug?
- Comparison of the photon polarization over electron polarization per slug: ratio, difference, pull plot.
- Comparison of the electron polarization over Moller polarization.
Monte Carlo studies
- Comprehensive list of MC tasks