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Line 403: Line 403:
   6  3.40  <span style="color:red">8.0</span> 0.45 -0.03  28. 10.4  5.2 23.0  58.  59.82 41.  42.8  53.  55.9    done
   6  3.40  <span style="color:red">8.0</span> 0.45 -0.03  28. 10.4  5.2 23.0  58.  59.82 41.  42.8  53.  55.9    done
   7  3.40 <span style="color:red">10.0</span> 0.45  0.09  59. 20.6 10.3 40.0  82.  85.2  58.  59.    70.  86.1    done
   7  3.40 <span style="color:red">10.0</span> 0.45  0.09  59. 20.6 10.3 40.0  82.  85.2  58.  59.    70.  86.1    done
   8  3.40 <span style="color:red">12.0</span> 0.45  0.21  124. 44.0 22.0 40.0 120.   0.  85.  86.   70.  75
   8  3.40 <span style="color:red">12.0</span> 0.45  0.21  124. 44.0 22.0 40.0 120. 121.  85.  86.   70.  75     done

Revision as of 23:13, 4 November 2018

5-pass run plan


The goal of the E12-09-017 experiment is to measure the pt-dependence of SIDIS from proton, deuteron, and aluminum targets, for final state pi+, pi-, K+, and K-. The experiments aims to measure absolute cross sections with particular attention to achieving small errors on the ratios of cross sections for different final states and targets. The beam single-spin asymmetry will also be measured at the settings with sufficient phi coverage. The specific goals of this 5-pass run plan are: a) take the missing 6.5 degree setting for kinematic groups 1-8 that were taken in Spring 20187; b) do a higher (x,Q2) setting with kinematic groups 13-16.

Experimental setup

  • Main trigger is ELREAL in HMS (ps3) in coincidence with 3/4 Hodoscopes in SHMS (ps1)
  • HMS is setup for detecting electrons (inclusive DIS measurement).
  • SHMS is setup for detecting charged pions and kaons (semi-inclusive DIS measurement). Coincidences are in ps5

Settings to monitor during shift

  • Beam energy: 10.6 GeV. Raster 2x2
  • Beam current:
    • The nominal beam current is 60 muA. Please adjust the actual beam current to give the single SHMS rates below 500 kHz each time you change targets. You can see this number under "Ptrig1" on the upper left side of the scaler GUI. You can go as high as 70 muA for LD2 and LH2 if the rates are low enough. The dummy target is limited to 40 muA. Approximate beam currents (good starting point) are in the tables below.
  • Trigger:
    • Main trigger is EL_REAL in HMS in coincidence with 3/4 Hodo in SHMS (same as for Kaon-LT experiment).
    • We will not usually be triggering on HMS or SHMS singles. Adjust prescale to give a very small number. We will have some EDT triggers (10 Hz)
  • Prescale: PS5 0 all the time for normal production running. Special runs witll be taken with ps3=0 and all others -1 for getting

the HMS only DIS cross section and target boiling studies.

Optics studies DONE

  • Series of optics calibrations runs at various central momentum of the HMS and SHMS
  • Cycle magnets if needed.
  • Run with sieve IN, raster 2x2,optics #1 target and highest current reasonably possible.
  • Want to take electron singles triggers.
  • Constant HMS/SHMS Conditions:
HMS/SHMS trigger prescales: PS1:-1 PS2:1 PS3:1 PS4:-1 PS5:-1 PS6:-1
HMS angle/momentum 13.5 deg, -6.358 GeV/c (First momentum setting)
SHMS angle/momentum 13.5 deg, -6.358 GeV/c (First momentum setting)
Raster size 2x2mm
Target Optics #1 (3 foils at 0cm,+/-10cm)
Current Max current that can be achieved
  • Momentum settings:
Run 1 HMS/SHMS momentum: -6.358 GeV/c Record 100K electrons in each arm. run 5335 (SHMS bender off for part of run)
Run 2 HMS/SHMS momentum: -5.983 GeV/c Record 100K electrons in each arm. runs 5336 and 5337
Run 3 HMS/SHMS momentum: -5.714 GeV/c Record 100K electrons in each arm. runs 5338 and 5339
Run 4 HMS/SHMS momentum: -5.270 GeV/c Record 100K electrons in each arm. runs 5340 and 5341

Target boiling study DONE

  • HMS settings: p=--5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3 HMS polarity: negative
  • SHMS settings': p=--5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3 SHMS polarity: negative
  • Set Ps1, Ps4, Ps5, Ps6 all to -1 (ie turn off)
  • Each run should be about 10 minutes long (of good beam)
target ps2 ps3 current run(s)
LD2 0 -1 65 5347
LD2 0 -1 50 5348
LD2 0 -1 35 5349
LD2 0 -1 20 5350
LD2 -1 0 20 5342
LD2 -1 0 35 5343
LD2 -1 0 50 5344
LD2 -1 0 65 5346 (5345 had unstable current)
1.5C 0 -1 65 5354
1.5C 0 -1 50 5353
1.5C 0 -1 35 5352
1.5C 0 -1 20 5351
1.5C -1 0 20 5358
1.5C -1 0 35 5357
1.5C -1 0 50 5356
1.5C -1 0 65 5355
10 dUMMY -1 0 40 5359
10 dUMMY 0 -1 40 5360
10 dUMMY 0 -1 20 5361
LH2 0 -1 20 5362
LH2 -1 0 20 5363
LH2 -1 0 35 5364
LH2 -1 0 50 5365
LH2 -1 0 65 5366

Tracking efficiency study DONE OWL OCT 23

  • Set DAQ to take coincidences (PS5=0, all others at -1)
  • HMS settings: p=--5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3

HMS polarity: negative

  • SHMS settings: p=- -3.44 GeV, theta = 14.0

SHMS polarity: negative

  • Put in LD2 target
  • Run for 30 minutes at 45 muA Run 5367
  • Run for 30 minutes at 30 muA Run 5368
  • Run for 30 minutes at 15 muA Run 5369
  • Run for 30 minutes at 60 muA Run 5370
  • Run for 30 minutes at 70 muA Run 5371 if DC stays on and target OK)
  • Run for 30 minutes at 70 muA Run 5372
  • Run for 30 minutes at 60 muA Run 5373
  • Run for 30 minutes at 45 muA Run 5374
  • Run for 30 minutes at 30 muA Run 5375
  • Run for 30 minutes at 15 muA Run 5376

  • Run for 30 minutes at 45 muA Run 5377
target current run(s) Good epi Events
LD2 45 5347 3064
LD2 30 5368 3553
LD2 15 5369 2630
LD2 60 5370 1970
LD2 70 5371 624
LD2 70 5372 839
LD2 60 5373 2710
LD2 45 5374 4672
LD2 30 5375 5455
LD2 15 5376 5334
LD2 45 5377 3300

Exclusive reactions check DONE

HMS settings: p=-5.27 GeV, theta = 23

HMS polarity: negative

SHMS settings: p=+4.80 GeV, theta = 16.

SHMS polarity: positive

Target is LH2

All ps=-1 except ps3=0

Take data for 1 hour at maximum available current. Run 5387

Move SHMS to 19 degrees

Take data for 1 hour at maximum available current. Run 5388

HMS Monitoring runs

Once per shift, while on LH2 target, take a 10-minute-long run with HMS singles only with whatever current you are running for coincidences.

Set PS3=0 and all others -1. Don't forget to switch back to PS6=0, all others -1 when done!

Date, shift P_HMS Theta_HMS current run(s) EL_REAL/BCM4B (cut)
10/23 swing -5.27 16.3 65 5389 158.6
10/24 owl -5.27 16.3 65 5412 157.4
10/26 owl -5.27 16.3 35 5450 156.8
10/26 swing -5.27 16.3 20 5482 158.6
10/26 swing -5.27 16.3 10 5490 154.9
10/27 owl -5.27 16.3 17 5503 158.1
10/27 swing -5.27 16.3 60 5526 159.5
10/27 swing -5.27 16.3 65 5545 160.0
10/28 owl -5.27 16.3 ? ? ?
10/28 owl -5.27 16.3 ? ? ?
10/28 day -5.27 16.3 65 5580 160.1
10/28 swing -5.27 16.3 7 5598 159.6
10/29 day -5.27 16.3 60 5626 159.7
10/30 owl -5.27 16.3 60 5645 160.9
10/31 owl -5.27 16.3 25 5681 157.2
10/31 day -5.27 16.3 60 5702 156.9
10/31 swing -5.27 16.3 60 5723 158.5
11/1 owl -5.27 16.3 35 5742 159.9
?? -5.27 16.3 35 5755 157.8
11/2 owl -5.27 16.3 60 5796 159.3
11/3 day -5.27 13.515 5 5863 566.55
11/4 owl -3.32 19.69 9.5 5885 145.17

Kinematic Settings

 #  means setting number
 Ptrig5 is the approximate anticipated coincidence rate divided by 3 in Hz
 approximate current  current is the current for which rates are calculated (on LH2). It is fine to run at higher currents (preferably around 60 uA), except of course on the dummy target (40 uA).

Kinematic Group 13

KInematics: x=0.45, Q2=4.50 GeV2, W=2.53 GeV

HMS settings: p=-5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3

HMS polarity: negative

SHMS polarity: positive

Set all ps to -1 except ps6=0

                        PTrig5   approximate       Goals and actual mC
   SHMS  SHMS             LH2   beam current     LH2        LD2         Dummy
 #     P Thet    z    pt Hz/3  LH2   LD2  Dum goal got   goal  got   goal  got  done?
 1  4.80 14.0 0.82 -0.09   11. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 163.  140.   204   70.  80.  done
 2  4.80 16.0 0.82  0.09    6. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 190   140.   239   70.  74   done
 3  3.44 14.0 0.60 -0.06  143. 60.0 54.8 40.0 140. 161.  134.   152.  70.  93.  Done
 4  3.44 16.0 0.60  0.06   72. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 175.  140.   97.   70.  83.  done
 5  3.44  8.0 0.60 -0.42   22. 10.7  5.4 23.8  59.   0.   42.   0.    40.  0.   do later
 6  3.44 10.0 0.60 -0.30  119. 22.4 11.2 40.0  85.  91   60.    67.   50.  77.  done 
 7  3.44 12.0 0.60 -0.18  261. 48.6 24.3 40.0 126.  118   89.   92    70.  97   done
 8  3.44 18.0 0.60  0.18   39. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  163.  140.  161.  70.  90   done
 9  3.44 20.0 0.60  0.30   22. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  206.  140.  144.  70.  101. done
10  2.58  8.0 0.45 -0.31   25.  5.7  2.9 12.7  43.   43   31.   31    39.  46   done
11  2.58 10.0 0.45 -0.22   55.  9.8  4.9 21.7  56.  62.   40.   53.   40.  65.  done
12  2.58 12.0 0.45 -0.13   98. 17.1  8.6 38.1  75.   94   53.   57.   60.  103. done
13  2.58 14.0 0.45 -0.04  178. 30.9 15.5 40.0 100.  100   71.   69    70.  77   done
14  2.58 16.0 0.45  0.05  328. 57.2 28.6 40.0 140.  125   97.   92    70.  80   done
15  2.58 18.0 0.45  0.14  141. 60.0 54.2 40.0 140. 152.  110. 125.    70.  76.  done
16  2.58 20.0 0.45  0.23   78. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 181.  140. 138.    70.  72.  done
17  2.58 22.0 0.45  0.32   44. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 160.  140. 210.    70.  95.  done
18  2.58 24.0 0.45  0.41   24. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 200.  140. 203.    70.  92.  done
19  2.58 26.0 0.45  0.49   12. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 200.  140. 168.    70.  85.  done
20  2.58 28.0 0.45  0.58    7. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 164.  140. 155.    70.  82.  done
21  2.58 30.0 0.45  0.67    4. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 146.  140. 165.    70.  94.  done

Kinematic Group 14

KInematics: x=0.45, Q2=4.50 GeV2, W=2.53 GeV

HMS settings: p=-5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3

SHMS polarity: negative

                        PTrig5   approximate       Goals and actual mC
   SHMS  SHMS             LH2   beam current     LH2       LD2         Dummy
 #   P   Thet    z    pt Hz/3  LH2   LD2  Dum goal got  goal  got   goal  got
 1 -4.80 14.0 0.82 -0.09   11. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  163  140.  153.   70.  70.  done
 2 -4.80 16.0 0.82  0.09    6. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 162.1 140.  146.5  70.  62.1 done
 3 -3.44 14.0 0.60 -0.06  143. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 148.  130.  143.   70.  74.  done
 4 -3.44 16.0 0.60  0.06   72. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140. 205.1 140.  150.   70.  71.  done
 5 -3.44  8.0 0.60 -0.42   22. 10.7  5.4 23.8  59.   0.   42.   0.    54.   0. do if have time at end of run
 6 -3.44 10.0 0.60 -0.30  119. 22.4 11.2 40.0  85.  93.   60.  62.    70.  64.  done
 7 -3.44 12.0 0.60 -0.18  261. 48.6 24.3 40.0 126.  144.  89.  115.   70.  76.  done
 8 -3.44 18.0 0.60  0.18   39. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  153. 140.  149.   70.  82.  done
 9 -3.44 20.0 0.60  0.30   22. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  148. 140.  140.   70.  77.  done 
10 -2.58  8.0 0.45 -0.31   25.  5.7  2.9 12.7  43.  46.   31.   32.   39.  42.  done
11 -2.58 10.0 0.45 -0.22   55.  9.8  4.9 21.7  56.  58.6  40.  61.6   40.  60.  done
12 -2.58 12.0 0.45 -0.13   98. 17.1  8.6 38.1  75.  78.   53.  55.2   53.  56.  done
13 -2.58 14.0 0.45 -0.04  178. 30.9 15.5 40.0 100.  113.  71.  77.    70.  73.  done
14 -2.58 16.0 0.45  0.05  328. 57.2 28.6 40.0 140.  140.  97.  99.    70.  70.  done
15 -2.58 18.0 0.45  0.14  141. 60.0 54.2 40.0 140.  154. 133.  137.   70.  70.  done
16 -2.58 20.0 0.45  0.23   78. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  147. 140.  142.   70.  77.5 done
17 -2.58 22.0 0.45  0.32   44. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  144. 140.  150    70.   72  done
18 -2.58 24.0 0.45  0.41   24. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  146  140.  144    70.   71  done
19 -2.58 26.0 0.45  0.49   12. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  133  140.  144    70.   71  done
20 -2.58 28.0 0.45  0.58    7. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  145. 140.  144.   70.   85. done
21 -2.58 30.0 0.45  0.67    4. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.  145. 140.  147.   70.   73. done

Kinematic Group 15

KInematics: x=0.45, Q2=4.50 GeV2, W=2.53 GeV

HMS settings: p=-5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3

SHMS polarity: positive

                        PTrig5   approximate       Goals and actual mC
    SHMS SHMS            SHMS   beam current     LH2        LD2         Dummy
 #     P Thet    z    pt Hz/3  LH2   LD2  Dum goal got  goal  got   goal  got
 2  2.01  8.0 0.35 -0.24   13.  4.2  2.1  9.3  37.   0.   26.   0.    34.   0.
 3  2.01 10.0 0.35 -0.17   22.  6.2  3.1 13.9  45.   0.   32.   0.    41.   0.
 4  2.01 12.0 0.35 -0.10   51.  9.5  4.8 21.2  56.   0.   39.   0.    51.   0.
 5  2.01 14.0 0.35 -0.03   86. 14.9  7.5 33.2  70.   0.   49.   0.    64.   0.
 6  2.01 16.0 0.35  0.04  137. 23.8 11.9 40.0  88.   0.   62.   0.    70.   0.
 7  2.01 18.0 0.35  0.11  201. 38.6 19.3 40.0 112.   0.   79.   0.    70.   0.
 8  2.01 20.0 0.35  0.18  223. 60.0 31.8 40.0 140.   0.  102.   0.    70.   0.
 9  2.01 22.0 0.35  0.25  137. 60.0 53.3 40.0 140.   0.  132.   0.    70.   0.
10  2.01 24.0 0.35  0.32   82. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.
11  2.01 26.0 0.35  0.38   48. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.
12  2.01 28.0 0.35  0.45   29. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.
13  2.01 30.0 0.35  0.52   17. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.

Kinematic Group 16

KInematics: x=0.45, Q2=4.50 GeV2, W=2.53 GeV

HMS settings: p=-5.27 GeV, theta = 16.3

SHMS polarity: negative

                        PTrig5   approximate       Goals and actual mC
   SHMS  SHMS            SHMS   beam current     LH2        LD2         Dummy
 #     P Thet    z    pt Hz/3  LH2   LD2  Dum goal got  goal  got   goal  got
 2 -2.01  8.0 0.35 -0.24   13.  3.4  2.1  9.2  33.   0.   26.   0.    34.   0.
 3 -2.01 10.0 0.35 -0.17   22.  5.3  3.1 13.8  42.   0.   32.   0.    41.   0.
 4 -2.01 12.0 0.35 -0.10   51.  9.3  4.7 21.1  55.   0.   39.   0.    51.   0.
 5 -2.01 14.0 0.35 -0.03   86. 14.8  7.4 33.0  70.   0.   49.   0.    64.   0.
 6 -2.01 16.0 0.35  0.04  137. 23.6 11.8 40.0  88.   0.   62.   0.    70.   0.
 7 -2.01 18.0 0.35  0.11  201. 37.1 19.2 40.0 110.   0.   79.   0.    70.   0.
 8 -2.01 20.0 0.35  0.18  223. 60.0 31.6 40.0 140.   0.  102.   0.    70.   0.
 9 -2.01 22.0 0.35  0.25  137. 60.0 52.9 40.0 140.   0.  132.   0.    70.   0.
10 -2.01 24.0 0.35  0.32   82. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.
11 -2.01 26.0 0.35  0.38   48. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.
12 -2.01 28.0 0.35  0.45   29. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.
13 -2.01 30.0 0.35  0.52   17. 60.0 60.0 40.0 140.   0.  140.   0.    70.   0.

Kinematic Group 17

KInematics: x=0.31, Q2=3.10 GeV2, W=2.79 GeV.

HMS settings: p=-5.27 GeV, theta = 13.5

SHMS polarity: positive at first, then negative

                        PTrig5   approximate       Goals and actual mC
   SHMS  SHMS             LH2   beam current     LH2        LD2         Dummy       Done? 
 #     P Thet    z    pt Hz/3  LH2   LD2  Dum  goal got   goal  got    goal  got  done?
 1  2.53 14.0 0.45  0.06  569. 28.7 14.3 40.0  97.  100   68.   69   70.   85.    done
 2  2.53 12.0 0.45 -0.03  318. 16.1  8.1 35.8  73.   72.  51.   51.5 66.   85.    done
 3  2.53  6.6 0.45 -0.27   48.  4.0  2.0  8.7  40.   41   25.   27.  33.   37.    done
 4 -2.53  6.6 0.45 -0.27   48.  3.4  2.0  8.7  40.   45.  25.   26.2 33.   34.2   done
 5 -2.53 12.0 0.45 -0.03  318. 16.1  8.1 35.8  73.   74.  51.   52.  66.   67.    done
 6 -2.53 14.0 0.45  0.06  569. 28.7 14.3 40.0  97.  130.  68.   75.  70.   75.    done

Kinematic Group 18

KInematics: x=0.30, Q2=4.10 GeV2, W=3.23 GeV. Pick up 6 deg. and repeat 10 deg.

HMS settings: p=-3.32 GeV, theta = 19.7

SHMS polarity: positive at first, then negative

                        PTrig5   approximate       Goals and actual mC
   SHMS  SHMS             LH2   beam current     LH2        LD2         Dummy       Done? 
 #     P Thet    z    pt Hz/3  LH2   LD2  Dum  goal got   goal  got    goal  got
 1 -3.40 12.0 0.45  0.21  124. 44.0 22.0 40.0 120.   0.   85.   0.    70.   0. 
 2 -3.40 10.0 0.45  0.09   59. 20.6 10.3 40.0  82.   0.   58.   0.    70.   0. 
 3 -3.40  8.0 0.45 -0.03   28. 10.4  5.2 23.0  58.   0.   41.   0.    53.   0.
 4 -3.40  6.6 0.45 -0.15   14.  6.0  3.3 11.6  45.   0.   31.   0.    38.   0.
 5  3.40  6.6 0.45 -0.15   14.  6.0  3.3 11.6  45.  46.   31.  32.    38.   39.8    done
 6  3.40  8.0 0.45 -0.03   28. 10.4  5.2 23.0  58.  59.82 41.  42.8   53.   55.9    done
 7  3.40 10.0 0.45  0.09   59. 20.6 10.3 40.0  82.  85.2  58.  59.    70.   86.1    done
 8  3.40 12.0 0.45  0.21  124. 44.0 22.0 40.0 120.  121.   85.  86.   70.   75      done