Difference between revisions of "Expert Information"

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* [[Magnet Cryo Controls]]
* [[Magnet Cryo Controls]]
** 'cmagnets' VM
** 'cmagnets' VM
* [[Hall C Camera Notes]]
* [[Video capture systems]]
* [[Video capture systems]]
** Angle cameras
** Spectrometer Angle and Hall Cameras, etc.
* [[Hall C EPICS]]
* [[Hall C EPICS]]
** HV systems
** HV systems
** Gas systems
** Gas systems
** Auxiliary softIOCs
** Auxiliary softIOCs
* "Wall Screen" systems
* [[Hall C Compute Cluster]]
* [[Hall C Compute Cluster]]
** Systems and layout
** Systems and layout
** Puppet configuration
** Puppet configuration
** System backups
** System backups

Revision as of 19:28, 26 April 2022

Expert Information