Difference between revisions of "June 21, 2022"

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= Current Status =
= Current Status =
* Accelerator status:
* Accelerator status:
** Ops will be doing RF work during day shift
** Will try to bring Hall C to 80 uA during swing shift
* Experiment status:
* Experiment status:
** pionLT completed data-taking @ kinematic setting: SHMS Right Q2=3.85 W=2.62 x=0.39
** changed kinematics (shms angle) to SHMS Center Q2=3.85 W=2.62 x=0.39
= Current Run Plan =
= Current Run Plan =
[https://redmine.jlab.org/attachments/download/1480/10_549_GeV_Runplan.pdf pionLT Summer 2022 Run Plan]  <br>
[https://redmine.jlab.org/attachments/download/1480/10_549_GeV_Runplan.pdf pionLT Summer 2022 Run Plan]  <br>
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* Message from Ole Hansen: There will be a brief (<30min) outage of the Hall A and Hall C /work servers on Tuesday (6/21). This will happen during the workday already instead of the usual 5pm-10pm time slot for monthly IT maintenance. Please plan accordingly, i.e. don't start any mass replays ;-)
* Message from Ole Hansen: There will be a brief (<30min) outage of the Hall A and Hall C /work servers on Tuesday (6/21). This will happen during the workday already instead of the usual 5pm-10pm time slot for monthly IT maintenance. Please plan accordingly, i.e. don't start any mass replays ;-)
* Check the HMS/SHMS rates for when production starts, since for Heep coin. production SHMS saw higher rates. Make sure shift crew takes snapshot of scalers at every setting
* Check the HMS/SHMS rates for when production starts, since for Heep coin. production SHMS saw higher rates. Make sure shift crew takes snapshot of scalers at every setting
* When analyzing LD2 or Al dummy or LH2, please leave the target_mass_amu in the standard.kinematics as that of the proton, but when analyzing the data with the pionLT script, specify the target used, as different targets will have different ranges in the cuts when integrating the missing mass peak. Refer to log entry: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005387 These instructions are given in the pionLT run plan.
= Current Issues =
= Current Issues =
* HMS singles elastics results and its implications (based on where the W peak is) to constraining (improving) the HMS saturation corrections at HMS momentum ~ -6.792 GeV, a momentum where saturation effects varies rapidly. --> https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4004990
* shift crew continues to see HMS DC noise outbursts more frequently, see log-entries:
** M. Jones found W peak @ 0.925 MeV, which is ~ 15 MeV lower than the ideal (~0.940), so hmsflags.param will have to be updated with the new offset? Will this new offset be applicable at lower HMS momenta or will it over correct it?  Is it better to put apply all corrections in the HMS field03 program rather than having offsets in the param file? '''Answer:'''  DO NOT CHANGE hmsflags.param momentum offset. ONLY change the offset for the corresponding HMS momentum in  the standard.kinematics file. As this offset is subject to rapid changes in the saturation region and may not be applicable for lower HMS momentum.
** https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005325
** https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005330
* study noise dependence on HMS DC thresholds, and found that noise temporarily went away @ DC threshold 5.8 V, but re-appeared on the next runs see log-entry --> https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005624 This issue will have to be addressed during next Hall C access during accelerator maintenance day on Thursday Jun 23
= Planned Accesses to the Hall =
= Planned Accesses to the Hall =
* During the next accelerator RF recovery period (NOTE: Tues Jun 21 @ 08:00 up to noon):
* During the next accelerator RF recovery period (NOTE: Tues Jun 21 @ 08:00 up to noon), request Controlled Access (with Full Survey):
** Hall C Expert needs to check SHMS ROC 4 Slot 9 Channel 0 FADC for potentially loose connection, as Column 5, Row 1 block appears to have no occupancy. [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4003855 SHMS Cal Occupancy]  (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
** Hall C Expert needs to check SHMS ROC 4 Slot 9 Channel 0 FADC for potentially loose connection, as Column 5, Row 1 block appears to have no occupancy. [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4003855 SHMS Cal Occupancy]  (<span style="color:darkgreen"> '''DONE''' </span>)
** Xinzhan Bai request to go to restricted access to quickly swap MPD electronics out and check signals (~ 30 min.), whenever there is extended down (most likely during next accelerator maintenance period) : Contact: xbai@jlab.org,  cell: (434) 422-2809  (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
*** Bob Michales found that the channels in FADC ROC 4 Slot9 where offset by +1 (see https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005398 ) so calorimeter map will need to be updated for run range: 14933 (Jun 13) - 15079 (Jun 21) The offset was fixed by Bob Michales by simply offsetting all channels in FADC Slot 9 so that signal cable 1 starts at channel 0, and so on
**Xinzhan Bai request to go to controlled access to quickly swap MPD electronics out and check signals (~ 30 min.), whenever there is extended down (most likely during next accelerator maintenance period) : Contact: xbai@jlab.org,  cell: (434) 422-2809  (<span style="color:darkgreen"> '''DONE''' </span>)
* During the accelerator full maintenance day (Thursday Jun 23, 2022)
* During the accelerator full maintenance day (Thursday Jun 23, 2022)
** S. Lassiter needs to put crush washers in LCW filters, so we may see a little bit of water by the HMS boogie for now, until he can put the washers next week, during maintenance period [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4003796 HMS Dipole LCW]  (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
**S. Lassiter needs to put crush washers in LCW filters, so we may see a little bit of water by the HMS boogie for now, until he can put the washers next week, during maintenance period [https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4003796 HMS Dipole LCW] (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
** Bob Michales / Hall C drift-chamber expert will go to the HMS Hut to try and fix the HMS DC noise issues. https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005325, https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005330 (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>) See HMS DC Card Map: https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/11/HMS_DriftChamberPlanesLayout.pdf and log-entry: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005562 describing which wire groups are noisy
**Xinzhan Bai and Jixie Zhang request to change gas bottle for solid Cherenkov detector: Contact: xbai@jlab.org,  cell: (434) 422-2809 (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
= Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes =
= Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes =

Latest revision as of 21:43, 21 June 2022

RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

  • Zoom remote connection information:
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 160 710 0885
 Passcode: 595071
 One tap mobile
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       833 568 8864 US Toll-free
 Meeting ID: 160 710 0885
 Find your local number: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/u/ab2CekLXgQ

Useful Links

Current Status

  • Accelerator status:
    • Ops will be doing RF work during day shift
    • Will try to bring Hall C to 80 uA during swing shift
  • Experiment status:
    • pionLT completed data-taking @ kinematic setting: SHMS Right Q2=3.85 W=2.62 x=0.39
    • changed kinematics (shms angle) to SHMS Center Q2=3.85 W=2.62 x=0.39

Current Run Plan

pionLT Summer 2022 Run Plan
Physics Status

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

  • Please pro-rate ABU for max current limit in run plan (uA) in beam time accounting. For example, if we receive 15 uA instead of the max_current_limit in the run plan, then the ABU should be: ABU_prorated = 15/(max current limit) * ABU
  • Message from Ole Hansen: There will be a brief (<30min) outage of the Hall A and Hall C /work servers on Tuesday (6/21). This will happen during the workday already instead of the usual 5pm-10pm time slot for monthly IT maintenance. Please plan accordingly, i.e. don't start any mass replays ;-)
  • Check the HMS/SHMS rates for when production starts, since for Heep coin. production SHMS saw higher rates. Make sure shift crew takes snapshot of scalers at every setting
  • When analyzing LD2 or Al dummy or LH2, please leave the target_mass_amu in the standard.kinematics as that of the proton, but when analyzing the data with the pionLT script, specify the target used, as different targets will have different ranges in the cuts when integrating the missing mass peak. Refer to log entry: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005387 These instructions are given in the pionLT run plan.

Current Issues

Planned Accesses to the Hall

  • During the next accelerator RF recovery period (NOTE: Tues Jun 21 @ 08:00 up to noon), request Controlled Access (with Full Survey):
    • Hall C Expert needs to check SHMS ROC 4 Slot 9 Channel 0 FADC for potentially loose connection, as Column 5, Row 1 block appears to have no occupancy. SHMS Cal Occupancy ( DONE )
      • Bob Michales found that the channels in FADC ROC 4 Slot9 where offset by +1 (see https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4005398 ) so calorimeter map will need to be updated for run range: 14933 (Jun 13) - 15079 (Jun 21) The offset was fixed by Bob Michales by simply offsetting all channels in FADC Slot 9 so that signal cable 1 starts at channel 0, and so on
    • Xinzhan Bai request to go to controlled access to quickly swap MPD electronics out and check signals (~ 30 min.), whenever there is extended down (most likely during next accelerator maintenance period) : Contact: xbai@jlab.org, cell: (434) 422-2809 ( DONE )
  • During the accelerator full maintenance day (Thursday Jun 23, 2022)

Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes

  • Accelerator RF Recovery period tomorrow, Tues Jun 21 from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Full accelerator maintenance day on Thursday, Jun 23.

Special Requests

  • Mark Jones would like to take HMS optics data with a 4x4 mm^2 raster at some point (when HMS is at a lower momentum, i.e., current setting) for checks. ( DONE )