Difference between revisions of "Sep 17, 2022"

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= Useful Links =
= Useful Links =
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/b/bd/Cafe_runplan_condensed_v2.pdf Condensed CaFe Run Plan]
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/05/Cafe_runplan_10_6GeV.pdf CaFe Run Plan]
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/05/Cafe_runplan_10_6GeV.pdf CaFe Run Plan]
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/live_status/snapshots_controls/ Hall-C Controls]
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/live_status/snapshots_controls/ Hall-C Controls]
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*page 4 of [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/05/Cafe_runplan_10_6GeV.pdf CaFe Run Plan]
*page 4 of [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/05/Cafe_runplan_10_6GeV.pdf CaFe Run Plan]
* Resume beam tune to Hall C / Ion Chamber calibration with "No target" (<span style="color:darkgreen"> '''DONE''' </span>)
* Do "Aluminum Hole" check to center BEAM on target (<span style="color:darkgreen"> '''DONE''' </span>)
* Do Ion Chamber calibration for solid (using Thorium, 6% R.L.), and cryotargets (LH2, LD2) (<span style="color:orange"> '''IN-PROGRESS''' </span>)
* Ramp back up SHMS magnets to do trigger checkout using LH2 (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
* Do SHMS Hodo HV test / proton absorption / heep normalization (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
* Proceed to CaFe production @ mean-field kinematics for all targets (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
* Proceed to CaFe production @ src kinematics for all targets (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
* Whenever MCC is able to deliver 70-75 uA stable beam current:
** coordinate with D. Mack to do BCM calibrations (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
** do Target Boiling study whenever we have LD2 target in place (to save time of having to do target changes) (<span style="color:red"> '''PENDING''' </span>)
= Notices in Effect for Shift Crew =
= Notices in Effect for Shift Crew =

Latest revision as of 22:48, 17 September 2022

RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

  • Zoom remote connection information:
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 160 710 0885
 Passcode: 595071
 One tap mobile
 +16692545252,,1607100885# US (San Jose)
 +16468287666,,1607100885# US (New York)
 Dial by your location
       +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)
       +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)
       +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)
       +1 551 285 1373 US
       833 568 8864 US Toll-free
 Meeting ID: 160 710 0885
 Find your local number: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/u/ab2CekLXgQ

Useful Links

Current Status

Current Run Plan

  • Resume beam tune to Hall C / Ion Chamber calibration with "No target" ( DONE )
  • Do "Aluminum Hole" check to center BEAM on target ( DONE )
  • Do Ion Chamber calibration for solid (using Thorium, 6% R.L.), and cryotargets (LH2, LD2) ( IN-PROGRESS )
  • Ramp back up SHMS magnets to do trigger checkout using LH2 ( PENDING )
  • Do SHMS Hodo HV test / proton absorption / heep normalization ( PENDING )
  • Proceed to CaFe production @ mean-field kinematics for all targets ( PENDING )
  • Proceed to CaFe production @ src kinematics for all targets ( PENDING )
  • Whenever MCC is able to deliver 70-75 uA stable beam current:
    • coordinate with D. Mack to do BCM calibrations ( PENDING )
    • do Target Boiling study whenever we have LD2 target in place (to save time of having to do target changes) ( PENDING )

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

Current Issues

  • Target is unbale to move to "Hole" position, encoder position has to be put in by hand. D. Meekins / C. Keith currently working on diagnosis. All other targets were tested, and motion was verified.
  • During shift checklist, Holly noticed some minor issues --> https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4042694

Planned Accesses to the Hall

Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes

Special Requests