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== Technical Documents ==
== Technical Documents ==
A brief description of the SHMS calorimeter construction.
High Voltages for Preshower part of SHMS calorimeter set for initial tests during KPP and commissioning runs in March of 2017.
High Voltages for Preshower part of SHMS calorimeter set for initial tests during KPP and commissioning runs in March of 2017.

Revision as of 11:53, 2 March 2017

This wiki serves as a reference page outlining useful details regarding the SHMS pre-shower and shower calorimeters.

Useful Links



Technical Documents

A brief description of the SHMS calorimeter construction. https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/9/96/Shms-calor_r1.pdf

High Voltages for Preshower part of SHMS calorimeter set for initial tests during KPP and commissioning runs in March of 2017. https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/9/9f/SHMS-Calo-HV-23Feb2017.pdf




Log Book Entries

Masters/PhD Theses