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* ''Make an hclog when you do this!''
* ''Make an hclog when you do this!''
=== Live Time Display ===
If it isn't showing up (ie. after a kcoda/startcoda) then:
* Click on 'TS0x' in component list under 'Name' column on left of rcGUI
* Select Options:Chart:Add
* Seelct 'Live Time' tab

Revision as of 18:08, 8 March 2017

How to bring up the DAQ

The DAQs run inside their own VNC sessions. They can be brought up on any of the Hall C Counting House machines by running these commands logged in as the 'cdaq' user:


 % go_shms_daq


 % go_hms_daq

How to kill/reset/restart the DAQ

If you are connected to the appropriate DAQ vncsession

If you are connected to the appropriate DAQ vncsession (see above), and CODA has hung, or gotten into a funny state, then bring the terminal window at lower left to the foreground and type the following:

 % kcoda

Wait for a bit (10 sec). Most of the coda windows should disappear. (The VxWorks ROC consoles may stay up.). Then restart coda by typing this in the same terminal:

 % startcoda
  • Make an hclog when you do this!

If everything disappeared and 'go_shms_daq/go_hms_daq' doesn't work

If everything disappeared and 'go_shms_daq/go_hms_daq' doesn't work then you can bring things up from scratch outside the VNC session.


 % ssh coda@cdaql4

In that terminal, run:

 % startcoda


 % ssh coda@cdaql5

In that terminal, run:

 % startcoda
  • Make an hclog when you do this!

If you need to reboot a ROC


The SHMS has four ROCs. You can contact their crates with these links using a browser from the cdaq account

  • ROC02 (Counting House Electronics Room)
  • ROC04 (SHMS Electronics Hut)
  • ROC06 (SHMS Electronics Hut)
  • ROC08 (Counting House Electronics Room)

Reboot them by clicking on the link, and cycling the power. Wait for 10s after clicking the 'power' button before clicking it again. The page will automatically refresh when it is ready.

'WAIT at least 3 minutes for the crates to finish booting before running 'startcoda' '

  • Make an hclog when you do this!


The HMS has two ROCs. You can contact their crates with these links:

  • ROC01 (Counting House Electronics Room)
  • ROC03 (SHMS Electronics Hut)
  • ROC05 (Counting House Electronics Room -- more instructions follow)

The first two work the same as the SHMS crates. The third crate 'hccrate05'/ROC5 will need to be power cycled manually. Locate the crate in the Electronics Room and hit the power switch. Wait 5 seconds and turn it back on.

'WAIT at least 3 minutes for the crates to finish booting before running 'startcoda' '

  • Make an hclog when you do this!

Live Time Display


If it isn't showing up (ie. after a kcoda/startcoda) then:

  • Click on 'TS0x' in component list under 'Name' column on left of rcGUI
  • Select Options:Chart:Add
  • Seelct 'Live Time' tab