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(Put compiling and running on new pages)
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   git submodule update
   git submodule update
== Compiling and running the Hall C analyzer ==
See [Analyzer/Compiling] and [Analyzer/Running] to try out the code.
The only code, beyond what is retrieved with git, needed to compile the analyzer is "root".  Make sure root is installed and ROOTSYS is defined.
== Using Git to develop the analyzer ==
The Hall C analyzer uses, unmodified, libraries from the Hall A analyzer. The Hall C code replaces the main routine and interface routines. Currently the only Hall C code implemented is a class that will read Hall C style CTP parameter files.
Some useful discussions of git workflow.

Revision as of 11:58, 1 March 2012

It has been proposed that Hall C use the Git version control system to manage development of the Hall C 12 Gev analysis software. To start working with git, a public repository of a bare skeloton of a Hall C analyzer based on the Hall A PODD analyzer.

Setting up Git

You should have git, with at least version 1.5.3 installed on your computer. Most linux systems will have git installed. https://cc.jlab.org/system/files/JLabWinCA-2011.crt Personalize git on your machine with

 git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname"
 git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com"

By default, git pops up the vi editor, for the user write comments when making commits. IWef you prefer emacs, do

 git config --global core.editor "emacs"

We will be pulling the git repository from hallcweb, so we must install the JLab web certificate authority root. Get the latest certificate file (JLabWinCA-2011.crt) from [1] and put it somewhere. Then tell git the location of the crt file with

 git config --global http.sslCAInfo "/pathto/crtfile"

Retrieving the Hall C analyzer skelton with git

To retrive the Hall C code with git, do

 git clone https://hallcweb.jlab.org/git/hcana.git hcana

The last word on the command line is the name of the directory that will be created. Any directory name could be used.

The hcana project includes a git "submodule" containing the source code for the Hall A analyzer. The Hall A code is not automatically downloaded with the "git clone" command. Before proceeding, do

 cd hcana
 git submodule init
 git submodule update

See [Analyzer/Compiling] and [Analyzer/Running] to try out the code.

Using Git to develop the analyzer

Some useful discussions of git workflow.

