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* Plots of  [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/3f/Comp_resol_xptar.gif xptar]] , [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/30/Comp_resol_yptar.gif yptar]], [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/6/6a/Comp_resol_ytar.gif ytar]] and [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/f/fe/Comp_resol_delta.gif delta]] resolutions versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing the first four different sets of MC flags listed in the above table.
* Plots of  [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/3f/Comp_resol_xptar.gif xptar]] , [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/30/Comp_resol_yptar.gif yptar]], [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/6/6a/Comp_resol_ytar.gif ytar]] and [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/f/fe/Comp_resol_delta.gif delta]] resolutions versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing the first four different sets of MC flags listed in the above table.
* Plots of  [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/e/e1/Comp_resol2_xptar.gif xptar]] , [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/1c/Comp_resol2_yptar.gif yptar]], [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/16/Comp_resol2_ytar.gif ytar]] and [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/c/c7/Comp_resol2_delta.gif delta]] resolutions versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing the sets 1,2,5 and 6 listed in the above table.
* Plots of  [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/e/e1/Comp_resol2_xptar.gif xptar]] , [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/1c/Comp_resol2_yptar.gif yptar]], [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/1/16/Comp_resol2_ytar.gif ytar]] and [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/c/c7/Comp_resol2_delta.gif delta]] resolutions versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing the sets 1,2,5 and 6 listed in the above table.
*Plot of [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/8/80/Comp_resol3_delta.gif delta]] versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing sets 3,4,5 and 6  listed in the above table.
*Plot of [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/f/f4/Comp_resol3_xptar.gif xptar]],[[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/4/4d/Comp_resol3_yptar.gif yptar]], [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/8/80/Comp_resol3_delta.gif delta]] versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing sets 3,4,5 and 6  listed in the above table.

Revision as of 14:38, 7 March 2012

Using the following setup for SHMS single arm MC

  • 2 GeV , 20 deg scattered electrons
    • Reconstruction of tracks in the focal plane assumed 200 microns resolution.
    • LH2 target with 20cm length. Assume beer can with radius of 3.37cm and wall thickness in 0.005in Al.
    • 16 mil Al scattering chamber window (X0=8.89cm, frac rad len = 0.46%) followed by 15 cm air (X0=30420cm, frac rad len =0.05%)
    • Spectrometer entrance window 15 mil Kevlar (X0=74.6cm) and 5 mil Mylar (X0=28.7cm)
    • Two options for spectrometer exit window,
      • 15 mil Kevlar, 5 mil Mylar (use 20 mil,X0=53.3, Frac Rad len = 0.095%)
      • 0.02inches of Aluminum (Frac Rad len = 0.57%)
    • Two options in Hut when AR/Neon Cerenkov is removed
      • Vacuum pipe so the the spectrometer exit window is moved to location of Cerenkov exit window
      • Helium bag. The spectrometer exit window is located in front of Cerenkov entrance, but the Cerenkov is replaced by a helium bag. Assume the entrance and exit of helium bag is aluminized mylar.
        • Each window is 0.010 inches mylar (Frac Rad len = 0.089%) and 3x10-4 cm aluminum (Frac Rad len = 0.03%).
        • Filled with helium ( Radlen = 754560 cm, Frac Rad len = 0.03%).
    • Drift through air until drift chamber 1 (Frac Rad len = 0.06%).
    • Chamber 1 entrance foil, 1 mil of Mylar
    • Scattering in drift chamber, for each plane
      • Effective cathode plane, Be/Cu with Rad Len = 28.7cm , 0.0005 in
      • Drift through Chamber gas, 50/50 ethane/argon with Rad Len = 16700.0cm
      • Effective wire plane, 25 micron W+Be/Cu
      • Fill hit position for plane
      • Drift through Chamber gas, 50/50 ethane/argon with Rad Len = 16700.0cm
    • Chamber 1 exit foil, 1 mil of Mylar
    • Drift through air until drift chamber 2
    • Chamber 2 entrance foil, 1 mil of Mylar
    • Scattering in drift chamber, for each plane
      • Effective cathode plane, Be/Cu with Rad Len = 28.7cm , 0.0005 in
      • Drift through Chamber gas, 50/50 ethane/argon with Rad Len = 16700.0cm
      • Effective wire plane, 25 micron W+Be/Cu
      • Fill hit position for plane
      • Drift through Chamber gas, 50/50 ethane/argon with Rad Len = 16700.0cm
    • Chamber 2 exit foil, 1 mil of Mylar

Comparing resolutions with vaccuum pipe versus helium bag

  • Monte Carlo run for 2 GeV electrons for 20cm LH2 target with spectrometer at 20 degs.
  • Table with the resolution for xptar, yptar, ytar and delta for all events
Single arm Monte Carlo Flags Xptar (mr) Yptar (mr) Delta % Ytar (cm)
1 no wire chamber smearing, no multiple scattering in material 0.17 0.09 .031 .037
2 wire chamber smearing, no multiple scattering in material 0.30 0.35 .041 .010
3 wire chamber smearing, multiple scattering in all materials with Kevlar exit window, vacuum pipe 0.86 0.87 .058 .15
4 wire chamber smearing, multiple scattering in all materials with Kevlar exit window,helium bag 0.86 0.89 .077 .15
5 wire chamber smearing, multiple scattering in all materials with Al exit window, vacuum pipe 0.94 0.94 .077 .15
6 wire chamber smearing, multiple scattering in all materials with Al exit window,helium bag 0.86 0.92 .113 .18
  • Plots of [xptar] , [yptar], [ytar] and [delta] resolutions versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing the first four different sets of MC flags listed in the above table.
  • Plots of [xptar] , [yptar], [ytar] and [delta] resolutions versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing the sets 1,2,5 and 6 listed in the above table.
  • Plot of [xptar],[yptar], [delta] versus the thrown delta, xptar and yptar comparing sets 3,4,5 and 6 listed in the above table.