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*II. Hall C Futures Physics Program
*II. Hall C Futures Physics Program
** Editors: (needs writers first, editors later!) Ed, Garth, Carlos
** Writers: (needs writers first, editors later!) Ed, Garth, Carlos
** Editors: Bill
** Guidelines:
** Guidelines:
***this is the key piece of the document that should discuss the Hall C Future, i.e., precision, small cross section measurements with versatile equipment.  
***this is the key piece of the document that should discuss the Hall C Future, i.e., precision, small cross section measurements with versatile equipment.  
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*IV. A Sampling of Potential  Hall C Experiments
*IV. A Sampling of Potential  Hall C Experiments
** Editors:DD, David H, Arun?
** Editors:DD, David H, Arun
** Guidelines:
** Guidelines:
***this chapter will present the details on experiments with small cross sections and/or versatile equipment mentioned in Chapter II.
***this chapter will present the details on experiments with small cross sections and/or versatile equipment mentioned in Chapter II.
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=Conference Presentations=
=Conference Presentations=
*Arun Tadepalli's presentation at the Hall C collaboration meeting (Feb 18th, 2022)  [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/doc-private/ShowDocument?docid=1167 link]]
*Tanja Horn's presentation at Hall A/C meeting, 9th July 2021 [[https://indico.jlab.org/event/451/contributions/8743/attachments/7167/9886/Hall_C_Future_HallAC_Meeting_July2021_Horn.pdf link]]
*Tanja Horn's presentation at Hall A/C meeting, 9th July 2021 [[https://indico.jlab.org/event/451/contributions/8743/attachments/7167/9886/Hall_C_Future_HallAC_Meeting_July2021_Horn.pdf link]]
*Cynthia Keppel's presentation at UBOD meeting, 22nd Jun 2021 [[https://www.jlab.org/user_resources/meetings/JLUO_21/Keppel.pdf link]]
*Cynthia Keppel's presentation at UBOD meeting, 22nd Jun 2021 [[https://www.jlab.org/user_resources/meetings/JLUO_21/Keppel.pdf link]]

Latest revision as of 12:16, 10 March 2022


General Guidelines

  • Each section must consistent with the other sections.
  • Every reference must be verified, and duplicates resolved.


  • I. Introduction
    • Editors: Bogdan, Mark, Tanja
    • Guidelines:
      • Introduction to what the document is about - the identity of Hall C in the EIC era
      • Brief overview of the physics need for overall progress of the field - what's needed for specific studies of hadron structure which will then lead to the next chapter of how Hall C addresses this need
  • II. Hall C Futures Physics Program
    • Writers: (needs writers first, editors later!) Ed, Garth, Carlos
    • Editors: Bill
    • Guidelines:
      • this is the key piece of the document that should discuss the Hall C Future, i.e., precision, small cross section measurements with versatile equipment.
      • This chapter should contain material like:
        • Small, precision cross sections have been the main theme of Hall C since the start - give a few examples from 6 GeV and have extended into 12 GeV - also give a few examples - and
        • refer to Chapter IV where further details can be found In the EIC era expect to take advantage of positrons and energy upgrade that would enable new physics with small cross sections in Hall C and also extend its small cross section physics program
  • III. Overview of the Hall C Facility
    • Editors: Dave G?, David H
    • Guidelines: this chapter provides an overview of the different configurations of the Hall C facility and should include all instrumentation now and envisioned.
  • IV. A Sampling of Potential Hall C Experiments
    • Editors:DD, David H, Arun
    • Guidelines:
      • this chapter will present the details on experiments with small cross sections and/or versatile equipment mentioned in Chapter II.
      • How to handle 6 vs 12 vs 22 GeV? - one possibility discussed: three paragraphs where one focuses on 6 GeV (what has been done), the next on 12 GeV (what is being done now), and the third on future (opportunities with higher energy, etc.) All of these should be consistent with the overall goals of the Hall in the introductory chapters 1+2 - basically provide a coherent theme of Hall C
  • V. Potential Significant Upgrades
    • Editors: Jay
    • Guidelines:
      • that we can refer to it in Chapter IV for the physics.
      • this chapter is a little out of place as it is Lab-wide upgrades.
      • I would leave it here for now, but the physics should go under Chapter IV. 
      • We may consider moving the technical discussion of Positrons and 22 GeV as an appendix
  • VI. Summary
    • Editors: Dave M., Tanja
    • Guidelines:
      • Summarize the identity of Hall C emphasizing the coherent program to address specific physics needs of the field and unique strengths of the Hall

Previous talks

  • KLL measurement following C-GEn experiment (Oct 14, 2021) - Arun Tadepalli [link]
  • Final State Interactions in QCD and Other Explorations (Aug 12, 2021) - Dipangkar Dutta [link]
  • Overview of a Brooks-style approach to a broadband mixed e+ and e- beam: what measurements it can do, and what it cannot do (Jul 15th, 2021) - Dave Mack [link]
  • Possibilities for Hypernuclear Physics in Hall C (July 1st, 2021) - Toshiyuki Gogami [link]
  • Solid Polarized Targets for the Jlab 12 GeV Era (June 17th, 2021) - Karl Slifer, Elena Long [link]
  • Proton strangeness from elastic electron scattering (Jun 3rd, 2021) - Bogdan Wojtsekhowski [link]
  • 20 24 GeV FFA CEBAF Energy Upgrade (May 20th, 2021) - Alex Bogacz [link]
  • Future Studies of Nuclei in Hall C [focusing on nuclear aspects] (May 6th, 2021) - Or Hen [link]
  • A Triple Coincidence Experiment: u-channel DVCS at Hall C (Apr 22nd, 2021) - Garth Huber, Bill Li, Justin Stevens [link]
  • Opportunities with High Intensity Photons and Polarized Target (Apr 8th, 2021) - Tanja Horn [link]
  • A high luminosity spectrometer based on a compact, high-field Solenoid for DVCS, DVMP, TDIS and more (Mar 25th, 2021)- Nilanga Liyanage [link]
  • Positron Beams at Jefferson Lab - Status Report (Mar 11th, 2021) - Joe Grames [link]
  • Positron Machine, Future Prospects (Mar 11th, 2021) - Yves Roblin [link]
  • Electro-weak (e+-, e’) Measurements with Unpolarized Target (Feb 25th, 2021) - Dave Mack [link]
  • Hall C Future Experiments - Cynthia Keppel [link]

Conference Presentations

  • Arun Tadepalli's presentation at the Hall C collaboration meeting (Feb 18th, 2022) [link]
  • Tanja Horn's presentation at Hall A/C meeting, 9th July 2021 [link]
  • Cynthia Keppel's presentation at UBOD meeting, 22nd Jun 2021 [link]


  • Link to Hall C Futures White paper link??


Join Information

Meeting URL https://bluejeans.com/100468995

Phone Dial-in +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) (Global Numbers)

Meeting ID: 100 468 995

Room System or bjn.vc

Meeting ID: 100 468 995



  • Eric Christy (Hampton U.)
  • Dipangkar Dutta (Mississippi State U.)
  • David Hamilton (U.Glasgow)
  • Or Hen (MIT)
  • Tanja Horn (CUA)
  • Garth Huber (U. Regina)
  • Ed Kinney (U. Colorado)
  • Nilanga Liyanage (Uva)
  • Wenliang Li (W&M)
  • Ellie Long (New Hampshire)
  • Dave Mack (JLab)
  • Carlos Munoz-Camacho (IJCLab-Orsay)
  • Brad Sawatzky (JLab)
  • Karl Slifer (New Hampshire)
  • Holly Szumila-Vance (JLab)
  • Arun Tadepalli (JLab)
  • Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (JLab)

Useful links

Hall C upgrades [link]

Useful references