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==Relevent Publications== | ==Relevent Publications== | ||
− | *Signatures of baryon junctions in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering'''Wenliang Li et.al (PLB 2024)'''[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269324002387] ArxiV [https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.15039] | + | *Signatures of baryon junctions in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering''' Wenliang Li et.al (PLB 2024)'''[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269324002387] ArxiV [https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.15039] |
*Global analysis of fragmentation functions to charged hadrons with high-precision data from the LHC ''' Jun Gao et al (2024)'''[https://inspirehep.net/literature/2804801] | *Global analysis of fragmentation functions to charged hadrons with high-precision data from the LHC ''' Jun Gao et al (2024)'''[https://inspirehep.net/literature/2804801] | ||
*Developing predictions for pion fragmentation functions''' Xing et el (2023) Eur. Phys. J. C ''' [https://inp.nju.edu.cn/Publications/Bytime/20231106/i252723.html] | *Developing predictions for pion fragmentation functions''' Xing et el (2023) Eur. Phys. J. C ''' [https://inp.nju.edu.cn/Publications/Bytime/20231106/i252723.html] |
Latest revision as of 14:24, 12 December 2024
Run Group | ELOG | PT Scan Experiment | CSV Experiment | Software/Computing | CSV Analysis | SIDIS pages | This Navigation
Run information
- Runsheets: [1], [2], [3]
- Shift Schedule Read Only [4]
- Runlist
- https://github.com/whit2333/online_csv
- https://github.com/whit2333/spectrometer_angles
Analysis Tasks
Replay Files
The latest replay files for CSV runs can be found at /volatile/hallc/c-csv/ROOTfiles
. These will periodically update when things are updated, such as, kinematics or calibrations.
Analyzer Replay
- Check kinematics file in replay
- Check angle pictures - check against runlist/kinematics
- BCM calibrations
- Time window checks
- TOF calibration
- DC calibration
- Calorimeter calibration
- HGC Calibrations
- Aerogel calibration
Systematic checks
- Tracking efficiency
- BCM from low to high currents
- Beam energy for each run
- Survey of pi+ to pi- singles rates
Hall C / SIDIS Related Talks
- Parton FFs Ralf Seidl (2023) EINN2023 Conference[5] all talks[6]
- Target Fragmentation Timothy B. Hayward (CLAS12) 2022[7]
- 25th International SPIN Symposium Link to All Talks (SPIN 2023)[8]
- Neutral pion multiplicity CLAS12 Marshall Scott (SPIN 2023)[9]
- Unpolarised Semi-Inclusive DIS at COMPASS Jan Matousek (SPIN 2023: Duke)[10] Pdf [11]
- Parton Fragmentation Functions ANSELM VOSSEN (Indiana)[12]
- Hall C upgrade links Hall C...[13]
- Hallc_DAQ Brad_Sawatzky... [14]
- CSV Talk DD 2020...[15]
- CSV Talk DD 2010...[16]
- CSV Talk DD 2009...[17]
- SIDIS Talk Peter 2020...[18] [19]
- Factorization and TM in SIDIS Bosted 2006 [20]
- Duality in SIDIS: 2018 Ed Kinney[21]
- Cherenkov Radiation: Talk[22]
- Cherenkov Radiation: Document[23] OR [24]OR[25]
- Fragmentation Function Seminar 2021 Nov[26]
- SIDIS JLAB Talk R. Ent. 2015[27][28][29][30]
- SIDIS Talk Jianwei Qiu 2010[31]
- SIDIS CS and Pt Bogline(2016) [32]
- SIDIS Talk [33] [34] [35] [36][37]
- Multiplicity at HERMES 2011 Talk[38]
- TMD talk 2006[39]
- SIDIS Basics 1998[40]
- TMD Conference: Link to Many Talks 2022[41]
Relevent Publications
- Signatures of baryon junctions in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering Wenliang Li et.al (PLB 2024)[42] ArxiV [43]
- Global analysis of fragmentation functions to charged hadrons with high-precision data from the LHC Jun Gao et al (2024)[44]
- Developing predictions for pion fragmentation functions Xing et el (2023) Eur. Phys. J. C [45]
- A new approach to semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering with QED and QCD factorization Tianbo Liu et al (2021)[46]
- Determination of meson fragmentation functions in the Field-Feynman model Qiaomu Peng et.al (2023), PRC[47]
- 50 Years of QCD F. Gross et.al (2023), The European Physical Journal C [48]
- Determination of unpolarized pion fragmentation functions using SIDIS data R. A. Khale et al (PRD 2021)[49]
- NPS Proposal HallC P. Posted et.al.(2023)[50]
- Pion and kaon production in e e and ep collisions at next-to-leading order J. Binnewies et al. PRD 1995 (sum of two FFS)[51]
- FFs from SIDIS pion production and implications for the polarized parton densities The European Physical Journal C (2001)[52]
- SIDIS PDFs and FFs at a future EIC PRD (2019)[53]
- SIDIS in TFR Polarized and TMD Fracture FFs M. Anselmino PLB 2011[54]
- Determination of the fragmentation functions from an NLO QCD...HERMES Elliot Leader et. al. (PRD, 2016)[55] arXiv:[56]
- Factorization of Hard processes in QCD John C. Collins et.al (2004)[57] arXiv:[58]
- On the definition of FFs and the violation of sum rules John Collins, Ted C. Rogers (2023) arXiv JHEP [59]
- Hadronization of partons Albino (2010)Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 2489 [60]
- Parton FF Metz and Vossen (2016)[61]
- Quark elastic scattering as a source of high-transverse-momentum mesons Field and Feynman (1977)[62]
- First Measurement of Hard Exclusive π − Δ+ + Electroproduction CLAS Diehl et al (2023)[63]
- Hadronization and CT Kal Gallmeister and Ulrich Mosel (2022)[64]
- Probing the transverse spin of quarks in DIS (2002)Alessandro Bacchetta (PhD Thesis) arxiv[65]
- Parton FF (2016)Andreas Metz, Anselm Vossen[66]
- JAM FFs (2021) Moffat et.al[67]ArXiv[68]
- First Measurement of Λ Electroproduction off Nuclei in the Current and Target Fragmentation Regions T. Chetry 2023[69]
- Partonic Transverse Motion in Unpolarized SIDIS Process Boglione et al, 2011 arXiv [70]
- CSB in PDFs from Lattice QCD Horsler et al (2010) ArXiv[71]
- Determination of unpolarized pion fragmentation functions using SIDIS data Khalek et al. PRD(2021)[72] Arxiv[73]
- Pion and kaon fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order Khalek et. al. (2022)[74]
- Electroproduction of Hadrons from H2 and D2 Dakin et al (1973:good)[75]
- Azimuthal Asymmetries in SIDIS Process: TMD Factorization Bacchetta et al[76]
- Multiplicities of charged pions and charged hadrons from deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target COMPASS PRB (2017)[77] arXiv[78]
- HallB DIS Pion Studiehttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.02695.pdfs CLASS[79]
- Transverse Momentum Dependence of Semi_inclusive Pion Production H. Mkrtchyan et al., PRB 2008[80]
- Target Mass Corrections in SIDIS:A. Accardi..2009[81]
- A Review of Target Mass Corrections:...M. Eric Christy...(2008)[82]
- Isovector EMC effect and NuTev Anomaly:Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 252301 , 2009...[83]
- Constraints on Parton Charge Symmetry:2004 Londergan...[84]
- Semi-inclusive charged-pion electroproduction:2011 R. Asaturyan ...[85]
- Onset of Quark-Hadron Duality in Pion Electro:2007 T. Navasardyan, Bosted:...[86]
- Factorization studies in SIDIS at Jlab: P. Bosted: [87]
- Transverse Momentum Dependence of semi-inclusive pion production: 2007 H.Mkrtchyan(PRB)...[88]
- Factorization and Transverse Momentum in SIDIS at JLab: 2007 P.Bosted...[89]
- HMS Drift Chamber Old Paper:1995 O.K.Baker...[90]
- Hall C Calorimeter:2012 H. Mkrtchyan ...[91] and short [92]
- Hall C Aerogel:R .Asaturyan...[93]
- CS in Quarks and Mesons: 1990 Miller...[94]
- CS at the partoni level: 2010 Londergen...[95]
- Evidence for CSV in Parton dist: 1999 Bores, Londergen, Thomas...[96]
- Validity of CS for Parton Dist: 1998 Londergen, Thomas[97]
- CSV old proposal: 1996:J.T. Londergan ...[98]
- SIDIS Factorization: 2008 Feng Yuan...[99]
- Quark Hadron Duality seminar: 2018 Jlab[100]
- DIS Nobel Lecture: 1990 Henry W. Kendall[101]
- DIS and Scaling: 1991 Henry W. Kendall [102]
- Charge Symmetry Breaking and QCD: 2006 Miller[103]
- Measurement of Semi-Inclusive pi+ electroproduction off the Proton: CLAS 2009 PRD[104]
- Radiation CorrL. C. MAXIMON 1969[105]
- SIMC John Arrington 1998[106]
- COSY Infinity (recon. matrix)1990 [107]
- Hadronization HallB Proposal (PR-06-117) 2006 Update[108] Detail[109]
- Symmetries in Physics notes[110]
- Flavor Asymmetry of light quark sea from SIDIS HERMES 1998[111]
- Big break for charge symmetryDiscussion 2003[112]
- Global Analysis of FF for P & K and Their Uncer.2007 [113] and short[114]
- pdfs JAM 2016[115] and more [116]
- Unpolarized SIDIS cross-section from 2He-3 Hall A, 2017, PRC[117]
- Radiative Corr Mo and TSAI 1969, Rev. of Mod. Phy[118]
- Passage of Particle through matter PDG[119]
- The Role of Symmetry in Fundamental physics David J. Gross 1996[120]
- Symmetries and their breaking in the fundamental laws of physics J. Bernabeu (2000)[121]
- Radiative Corr R Ent (PRC 2001)[122]
- Radiative Corr Yung-Su Tsai (1971)[123]
- PDFs and Lattice-QCD calculations: Towards 3D structire M Constantinou....(2021)[124]
- The Asymmetry of Antimatter of Proton ...Arun et.al (Nature)[125]
- Uncertainties of predictions from parton distributions. I: Theoretical errors A.D. Martin, et.al..[126]
- Multiplicities of charged pions...COMPASS C.Adolph et.al..2017[127]
- Multiplicities of charged pions...HEREMS A. Airapetian et al...2013[128]
- SIDIS with TMD PRD 2014[129]
- Electroproduction of forward protons up to Q2=9.5 GeV2 (Peter)PRD1977[130]
- 50 years of QCD Dec 2022[131]
- SIDIS at small Transverse Momentum Bacchetta (2007)[132]
- Hadron Multiplicities at COMPASS Workshop 2020[133]
- Unpolarized Transverse Mom.Distributions from a global fit of Drell-Yan and SIDIS Data Bacchetta (2022)[134]Arxiv[135]
- probing Strangeness in Hard Processes CLAS12 PT Study 2018 Harut Avakian arxiv[136]
- SHMS NGCER Design Donal Day (UVA)[137]
- SHMS HGCER MS THESIS Wenliang Li (University of Regina, 2023)[138]
- SIDIS Nice Introduction Mauro Anselmino (2011)[139]
- Detector Coordinates HallC [140]
- HMS Optics HallC [141]
- BCM Dave Mack (2008)[142]
- Simc Note JLAB [143]
- Hal C aerogel T Horn, et.al (2020) [144]
- DIS 1972[145]
- QCD Terms: Hadronization etc Lectures at the CERN–Dubna School, Pylos, August 2002[146]
- COMPASS 2010[147]
Misc Links
- Physics with CEBAF at 12 GeV and Future Opportunities J. Arrington et al (2021)[148]
- TMD HandBook April 2023 Renaud Boussarie et al ArXiV[149]