Difference between revisions of "Summer 2017 Analysis Workshop"

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(Agenda: Tuesday, June 27, 2017)
(Agenda: Monday, June 26, 2017)
(35 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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* [https://misportal.jlab.org/Ul/conferences/generic_conference/registration.cfm?conference_id=COLLAB-SOFTWARE-JUNE2017 Registration Page]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/Ul/conferences/generic_conference/registration.cfm?conference_id=COLLAB-SOFTWARE-JUNE2017 Registration Page]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/Ul/conferences/generic_conference/participants.cfm?conference_id=COLLAB-SOFTWARE-JUNE2017 Participant's List]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/Ul/conferences/generic_conference/participants.cfm?conference_id=COLLAB-SOFTWARE-JUNE2017 Participant's List]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/program.html Hall A Web Meeting Page]
* All attendees are required to bring their own laptop to the workshop to use a virtual machine with the Hall A/C software.  
* All attendees are required to bring their own laptop to the workshop to use a virtual machine with the Hall A/C software.  
** It must have enough memory (? GB RAM) and free hard disk space (? GB) to run a virtual machine, which will be distributed at the workshop.  
** It must have enough memory (2 GB RAM) and free hard disk space (20 GB) to run a virtual machine, which will be distributed at the workshop.  
** It must have VirtualBox installed (v? or later): [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Download VirtualBox]
** It must have VirtualBox installed (v5.1 or later): [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Download VirtualBox]
* To obtain the virtual machine image (? GB), download it from...
* To obtain the virtual machine image, download it from [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/VirtualBox VM Image]
** Follow the README to install
= Purpose =
= Purpose =
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= Remote Participation =
= Remote Participation =
# To join via a Web Browser, go to the page ?
*To join the Meeting: https://bluejeans.com/351562964
*To join via Browser: https://bluejeans.com/351562964/browser
*To join with Lync: https://bluejeans.com/351562964/lync
*To join via Cisco Jabber Video: https://bluejeans.com/351562964/jabber
*To join via Room System:
**Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-
**Meeting ID : 351562964
*To join via phone :
**  Dial:
*** +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
*** +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
*** +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
*** (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
**  Enter Conference ID : 351562964
= Agenda: Monday, June 26, 2017 =
= Agenda: Monday, June 26, 2017 =
* '''9:00 Introduction to Git and the Hall A/C Analyzers''' (180) --- Chair: ?
* [https://bluejeans.com/s/IEjGT BlueJeans Recordings]
* '''9:00 Introduction to Git and the Hall A/C Analyzers''' (180) --- Chair: Mark Jones
** 9:00 Welcome (15) --- Instructions for setting up the interactive tutorials --- Ole Hansen & Eric Pooser
** 9:00 Welcome (15) --- Instructions for setting up the interactive tutorials --- Ole Hansen & Eric Pooser
** 9:15  Session 1a (15) --- Using Git & GitHub for sharing code & scripts --- Steve Wood
** 9:15  Session 1a (15) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/Jun17_HallACWorkshop_git.pdf Using Git & GitHub for Sharing Code & Scripts] --- Steve Wood
** 9:30  Session 1b (75) --- Hall A Analyzer Introduction and Interactive Tutorial --- Ole Hansen
** 9:30  Session 1b (75) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/Podd-Anawrk2017-2017-06-26.pdf Hall A Analyzer Introduction and Interactive Tutorial] --- Ole Hansen
* '''10:45  Break''' (15)
* '''10:45  Coffee Break''' (15)
** 11:00  Session 1c (60) --- Hall C Analyzer Introcduction and Interactive Tutorial --- Eric Pooser
** 11:00  Session 1c (60) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000862/003/Pooser_HallC_Analyzer.pdf Hall C Analyzer Introcduction and Interactive Tutorial] --- Eric Pooser
* '''12:00  Lunch''' (90)
* '''12:00  Lunch''' (90)
* '''13:30 Calibrations''' (150) --- Chair: ?
* '''13:30 Calibrations''' (210) --- Chair: Eric Pooser
** 13:30  Session 2a (30) --- Hall A VDCs --- TBD
** 13:30  Session 2a (30) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/Podd-VDCcalib-2017-06-26.pdf Hall A VDCs] --- Ole Hansen
** 14:00  Session 2b (30) --- Hall C Drift Chambers --- Carlos Yero
** 14:00  Session 2b (30) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000863/001/HallC-Software-Workshop.pdf Hall C Drift Chambers] --- Carlos Yero
** 14:30  Session 2c (30) --- Hall C Hodoscopes --- Kayla Craycraft
** 14:30  Session 2c (30) --- Hall C Hodoscopes --- Kayla Craycraft
** 15:00 Session 2d (30) --- Hall C Cherenkovs --- Ryan Ambrose
** 15:00 Session 2d (30) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000864/001/Calibration_Presentation.pdf Hall C Cherenkovs] --- Ryan Ambrose
* '''15:30  Break''' (15)
* '''15:30  Coffee Break''' (15)
** 15:45  Session 2e (30) --- Hall C Shower --- Vardan Tadevosyan
** 15:45  Session 2e (30) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000865/002/pcal_calib.pdf Hall C Shower] --- Vardan Tadevosyan
* '''16:15 Background Subtraction and Optics Calibrations''' (60) --- Chair: ?
** 16:15  Session 2f (15) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/shujie-gas-target.pdf Gas Target Background Subtraction] --- Shujie Li
** 16:15  Session (3a) (15) --- Gas target background subtraction --- Shujie Li
** 16:30  Session 2g (45) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/optics_Tong.pdf Hall A Optics Calibrations] --- Tong Su
** 16:30  Session (3b) (45) --- Hall A optics calibrations --- Tong Su
* '''17:00  Adjourn'''
* '''17:00  Adjourn'''
= Agenda: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 =
= Agenda: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 =
* '''9:00 Simulations''' (105) --- Chair: ?
* [https://bluejeans.com/s/OdzqR BlueJeans Recordings: Morning Session]
* [https://bluejeans.com/s/xGaOO BlueJeans Recordings: Afternoon Session]
* '''9:00 Simulations''' (105) --- Chair: Brad Sawatzky
** 9:00 Welcome (15) --- Instructions for setting up interactive tutorials --- Ole Hansen & Eric Pooser
** 9:00 Welcome (15) --- Instructions for setting up interactive tutorials --- Ole Hansen & Eric Pooser
** 9:15  Session 4a (60) --- Simulation Software Overview and Exercises --- Dave Gaskell
** 9:15  Session 3a (60) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000866/002/hallc_mc_overview_v2.pdf Simulation Software Overview and Exercises] --- Dave Gaskell
** 10:15  Session 4b (30) --- G4MC, A Geant4 program for Hall A/C experiments --- Jixie Zhang
** 10:15  Session 3b (30) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/5/52/Jixie_G4MC_June2017.pdf G4MC, A Geant4 Program for Hall A/C Experiments] --- Jixie Zhang
* '''10:45  Break''' (15)
* '''10:45  Coffee Break''' (15)
* '''11:00 ROOT Tips & Tricks''' (60) --- Chair: ?
* '''11:00 Analysis''' (60) --- Chair: Brad Sawatzky
** 11:00 Session 5a (60) --- ROOT Tips & Tricks  --- Ole Hansen
** 11:00 Session 4a (60) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/ROOT-TipsTricks-2017-06-27.pdf ROOT Tips & Tricks] --- Ole Hansen
* '''12:00  Lunch''' (90)
* '''12:00  Lunch''' (90)
* '''13:30 Radiative Corrections & Cross Sections''' (90) --- Chair: ?
* '''13:30 Analysis (cont)''' (90) --- Chair: Steve Wood
** 13:30  Session 5a (30) --- Radiative Corrections for Newbies: An introduction to the basics --- Hanjie Lui
** 13:30  Session 4b (30) --- [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2017/Hanjie-Radiative_Corrections.pdf Radiative Corrections for Newbies: An Introduction to the Basics] --- Hanjie Lui
** 14:00  Session 5b (60) --- Cross sections --- Eric Christy
** 14:00  Session 4c (60) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000867/002/inclusive_analysis-2017-1.pdf Extraction of Inclusive Cross Sections] --- Eric Christy
* '''15:00  Break''' (15)
*** [[rc-externals notes]]
* '''15:15 General Topics''' (45)
*** [[mc-reweight notes]]
** 15:15 Session 6a (15) --- Hall A & C Counting House Computing Tips & Tricks (15) --- Brad Sawatzky
* '''15:00  Coffee Break''' (15)
** 15:30 Session 6b (30) --- Introduction to the JLab Scientific Computing Resources ---TBD
* '''15:15 Computing''' (45) --- Chair: Steve Wood
** 15:15 Session 6a (15) --- [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000868/001/Counting_House_TipsTricks-Jun2017.pdf Hall A & C Counting House Computing Tips & Tricks] --- Brad Sawatzky
** 15:30 Session 6b (30) --- Introduction to the JLab Scientific Computing Resources --- Sandy Philpott
*** [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000871/001/SWIF%20Intro.pdf SWIF Intro]
*** [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000872/001/Chip.pdf Getting the Most Out of Scientific Computing Resources V1]
*** [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000873/001/Chip_Upd.pdf Getting the Most Out of Scientific Computing Resources V2]
*** [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000874/001/jlab_farm_storage_workshop_17.pdf Compute and Storage for the Farm at JLab]
*** [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000875/001/OSG_workshop_Auger.pdf JLab Auger]
* '''16:00 General Q&A''' (60)
* '''16:00 General Q&A''' (60)
** This optional session is an opportunity for users to ask the experts regarding any of the topics discussed during the workshop
** This optional session is an opportunity for users to ask the experts regarding any of the topics discussed during the workshop
* '''17:00  Adjourn'''
* '''17:00  Adjourn'''

Latest revision as of 16:08, 28 June 2017

Registration& Requirements

  • Registration Page
  • Participant's List
  • Hall A Web Meeting Page
  • All attendees are required to bring their own laptop to the workshop to use a virtual machine with the Hall A/C software.
    • It must have enough memory (2 GB RAM) and free hard disk space (20 GB) to run a virtual machine, which will be distributed at the workshop.
    • It must have VirtualBox installed (v5.1 or later): Download VirtualBox
  • To obtain the virtual machine image, download it from VM Image
    • Follow the README to install


  • The purpose of the Summer 2017 Analysis workshop is to provide a setting in which users will have an opportunity to learn the details of the Hall A & C Analyzers
  • These talks, tutorials, and hands-on sessions will be catered towards graduate students to help familiarize them with doing physics analyses with Jefferson Lab experimental data
  • The sessions will be interleaved with Hall A, therefore they will be as generalized as possible
  • All sessions will be recorded on BlueJeans and posted to the wiki page of future reference
  • Each session will contain exercises that will also serve as homework

Location & Time

The workshop will take place at:

DATES: June 26 - 27, 2017


Remote Participation

  • To join via Room System:
    • Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-
    • Meeting ID : 351562964
  • To join via phone :
    • Dial:
      • +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
      • +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
      • +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
      • (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
    • Enter Conference ID : 351562964

Agenda: Monday, June 26, 2017

Agenda: Tuesday, June 27, 2017