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* We would like the detector check replay to be done on first 50,000 events of every run, and compare plots with the standard ones in the binder. In addition, we want physics replay to be done on every run in its entirety. K+ plots such as missing mass, t, W , Q 2 and φ should be checked for anomalies. Replay instructions are below.
* We would like the detector check replay to be done on first 50,000 events of every run, and compare plots with the standard ones in the binder. In addition, we want physics replay to be done on every run in its entirety. K+ plots such as missing mass, t, W , Q^2 and φ should be checked for anomalies. Replay instructions are below.
* Keep the file ''standard.kinematics'' up to date with the spectrometer settings for every configuration, so that the physics replay generates meaningful quantities. Use the beam energy determined from the arc measurement in the file, and the spectrometer angles from the TV.
* Keep the file ''standard.kinematics'' up to date with the spectrometer settings for every configuration, so that the physics replay generates meaningful quantities. Use the beam energy determined from the arc measurement in the file, and the spectrometer angles from the TV.
* Shift leaders are asked to keep a running total of the number of e − K coincidence events falling within the missing mass and fiducial volume cuts set in the physics replay kumac, so that we can better estimate when to move to the next setting.
* Shift leaders are asked to keep a running total of the number of e − K coincidence events falling within the missing mass and fiducial volume cuts set in the physics replay kumac, so that we can better estimate when to move to the next setting.
''' Detailed Online Analysis Instructions'''
''' Detailed Online Analysis Instructions'''
'''At a new kinematic setting:'''
* Edit the file ''standard.kinematics'' in the DBASE/COIN subdirectory to add the current kinematic information. First, add a comment to indicate the kinematic setting. Then enter the range of runs the kinematics are valid to (enter 9999 as upper range if ongoing). Next, enter the beam energy determined from the arc measurement, the target mass in amu (available at the top of the file), and the spectrometer angles from the TV. Next are the central momenta of the HMS and SHMS, followed by the mass of the particle each arm should detect (the leading letter indicates which arm: p = SHMS, h = HMS).
'''At a new kinematic setting''', edit the file ''standard.kinematics'' in the DBASE/COIN subdirectory to add the current kinematic information:  
* First, add a comment to indicate the kinematic setting.
* Then enter the range of runs the kinematics are valid to (enter 9999 as upper range if ongoing).
* Next, enter the beam energy determined from the arc measurement, the target mass in amu (available at the top of the file), and the spectrometer angles from the TV.
* Next are the central momenta of the HMS and SHMS, followed by the mass of the particle each arm should detect (the leading letter indicates which arm: p = SHMS, h = HMS).
'''After 50,000 events have been taken''', check the detectors:
'''After 50,000 events have been taken''', check the detectors:
* On cdaq, type ''go_analysis'' to enter working directory.
* On cdaql1, type ''go_analysis'' to enter working directory.
* Type ''run_coin_shms.sh'' to automatically replay the most recent run and launch SHMS detector GUI.  Compare with the histograms in the ''golden run binder''.
* Type ''./run_coin_shms.sh'' to automatically replay the most recent run and launch SHMS detector GUI.  Compare with the histograms in the ''golden run binder''.
* Type ''run_coin_hms.sh'' to repeat the process for HMS detectors.
* Type ''./run_coin_hms.sh'' to repeat the process for HMS detectors.
* For reference, all histos are saved in the HISTOGRAMS directory.
* For reference, all histos are saved in the HISTOGRAMS subdirectory.  A copy of the scaler report is in REPORT_OUTPUT.
'''After the run is over''', do coincidence physics replay:
'''After the run is over''', do coincidence physics replay:
* On cdaq, type ''go_analysis'' to enter working directory.
* On cdaql1, type ''go_analysis'' to enter working directory.
* Type ''cd UTIL_KAONLT/'' to enter K+ analysis directory.
* Type ''cd UTIL_KAONLT/'' to enter K+ analysis directory.
* Type ''KaonYield.sh run_number nevents'' for partial replay, leave ''nevents'' blank for full replay.
* Type ''KaonYield.sh run_number nevents'' for partial replay, leave ''nevents'' blank for full replay. The script will do a coincidence physics replay.
* The script will do scaler replay followed by coincidence replay.
* When coincidence replay is done, enter a current threshold (typically 5 muA) and the prescale factor used (typically 1).
* A GUI will launch with physics distributions.  Compare to the simulations in the binder, and record the number of K+Lambda events on the run sheet.
* A GUI will launch with physics distributions.  Compare to the simulations in the binder, and record the number of K+Lambda events on the run sheet.
* Displayed histograms, plus several others including e-pi+, e-K+ and e-p coincidences are stored in the UTIL_KAON/Histograms/ directory. Efficiency information in the scripts_KaonYield/ directory.
* An Emacs window will launch giving scaler and efficiency info, once ROOT is exited by typing ''.q''.  Check to make sure this all looks reasonable.
* Enter the run details in the run log on the Wiki.
* '''Continue by updating the run list at ''UTIL_KAONLT/kaonlt_runlist.csv'':'''
* Once the Emacs window closes, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to update the run list as well, enter yes.
* When prompted, enter the production type (prod, heep, lumi, etc.) then the target type.
* A list of the information that will be entered into the run list will appear. Enter the accepted PreTrig 1,3,5 info on the run sheet. If the information looks correct, enter yes.
* A prompt asking for comments will appear, please enter the number of Lambda events and any other comments about the run here.
* The Emacs window containing the run list is located should automatically update, if it does not, simply hit C-x C-v then ENTER.
* '''If you need to look up the statistics from a previously replayed run:'''
* Scaler information, and higher level kinematics ('''including the number of Lambdas'''), are saved in the UTIL_KAON/OUTPUT/ directory.
* The kaon yield plots and report files are saved under ''cd UTIL_KAONLT/OUTPUT'' as pdfs and text files, respectively. Look at the pdf to get the K+Lambda statistics.
'''Heepcheck runs:''' have a special analysis script.
'''Heepcheck runs:''' have a special analysis script:
* On cdaq, type ''go_analysis'' to enter working directory.
* On cdaq, type ''go_analysis'' to enter working directory.
* Type ''cd UTIL_KAONLT/'' to enter K+ analysis directory.
* Type ''cd UTIL_KAONLT/'' to enter K+ analysis directory.
* Type '' peepYield.sh'' to run the script and launch the GUI.
* Type '' peepYield.sh'' to run the script and launch the GUI.
* Anomalously large missing momentum components or missing mass either indicate an issue with the entries in ''standard.kinematics'' or some other problem with the spectrometer or beam settings
* Anomalously large missing momentum components or missing mass either indicate an issue with the entries in ''standard.kinematics'' or some other problem with the spectrometer or beam settings

Latest revision as of 08:43, 20 December 2018


  • We would like the detector check replay to be done on first 50,000 events of every run, and compare plots with the standard ones in the binder. In addition, we want physics replay to be done on every run in its entirety. K+ plots such as missing mass, t, W , Q^2 and φ should be checked for anomalies. Replay instructions are below.
  • Keep the file standard.kinematics up to date with the spectrometer settings for every configuration, so that the physics replay generates meaningful quantities. Use the beam energy determined from the arc measurement in the file, and the spectrometer angles from the TV.
  • Shift leaders are asked to keep a running total of the number of e − K coincidence events falling within the missing mass and fiducial volume cuts set in the physics replay kumac, so that we can better estimate when to move to the next setting.

Detailed Online Analysis Instructions

At a new kinematic setting, edit the file standard.kinematics in the DBASE/COIN subdirectory to add the current kinematic information:

  • First, add a comment to indicate the kinematic setting.
  • Then enter the range of runs the kinematics are valid to (enter 9999 as upper range if ongoing).
  • Next, enter the beam energy determined from the arc measurement, the target mass in amu (available at the top of the file), and the spectrometer angles from the TV.
  • Next are the central momenta of the HMS and SHMS, followed by the mass of the particle each arm should detect (the leading letter indicates which arm: p = SHMS, h = HMS).

After 50,000 events have been taken, check the detectors:

  • On cdaql1, type go_analysis to enter working directory.
  • Type ./run_coin_shms.sh to automatically replay the most recent run and launch SHMS detector GUI. Compare with the histograms in the golden run binder.
  • Type ./run_coin_hms.sh to repeat the process for HMS detectors.
  • For reference, all histos are saved in the HISTOGRAMS subdirectory. A copy of the scaler report is in REPORT_OUTPUT.

After the run is over, do coincidence physics replay:

  • On cdaql1, type go_analysis to enter working directory.
  • Type cd UTIL_KAONLT/ to enter K+ analysis directory.
  • Type KaonYield.sh run_number nevents for partial replay, leave nevents blank for full replay. The script will do a coincidence physics replay.
  • A GUI will launch with physics distributions. Compare to the simulations in the binder, and record the number of K+Lambda events on the run sheet.
  • An Emacs window will launch giving scaler and efficiency info, once ROOT is exited by typing .q. Check to make sure this all looks reasonable.
  • Continue by updating the run list at UTIL_KAONLT/kaonlt_runlist.csv:
  • Once the Emacs window closes, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to update the run list as well, enter yes.
  • When prompted, enter the production type (prod, heep, lumi, etc.) then the target type.
  • A list of the information that will be entered into the run list will appear. Enter the accepted PreTrig 1,3,5 info on the run sheet. If the information looks correct, enter yes.
  • A prompt asking for comments will appear, please enter the number of Lambda events and any other comments about the run here.
  • The Emacs window containing the run list is located should automatically update, if it does not, simply hit C-x C-v then ENTER.
  • If you need to look up the statistics from a previously replayed run:
  • Scaler information, and higher level kinematics (including the number of Lambdas), are saved in the UTIL_KAON/OUTPUT/ directory.
  • The kaon yield plots and report files are saved under cd UTIL_KAONLT/OUTPUT as pdfs and text files, respectively. Look at the pdf to get the K+Lambda statistics.

Heepcheck runs: have a special analysis script:

  • On cdaq, type go_analysis to enter working directory.
  • Type cd UTIL_KAONLT/ to enter K+ analysis directory.
  • Type peepYield.sh to run the script and launch the GUI.
  • Anomalously large missing momentum components or missing mass either indicate an issue with the entries in standard.kinematics or some other problem with the spectrometer or beam settings