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* Minimum angle for SHMS during the fall run is 7.5
* Minimum angle for SHMS during the fall run is 7.5
* Brad S. volunteered to post a run plan regarding the centering of the beam via. [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Commissioning_Plan_2017#Center_beam_on_C-hole_target carbon hole studies]
* Brad S. volunteered to post a run plan regarding the centering of the beam via. [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Commissioning_Plan_2017#Center_beam_on_C-hole_target carbon hole studies]
* Plans in terms of spectrometer settings and beam energies for the various commissioning tasks must be prepared for next weeks meeting
=== SHMS ===
=== SHMS ===

Revision as of 13:33, 8 November 2017

Meeting Information

  • Location CC L210A, 11 am
  • DocDB

Blue Jeans Connection Information

  1. Enter Meeting ID: 895800575
  2. Press #


  1. Commissioning plan updates from detector systems
  2. Status update from detector owners, calibrations, efficiencies, etc.
    1. Simulation update for the HGC
  3. Review systems owners and update information
  4. Address system specific points of interest for the Fall 2017 run



  • Mark discussed the Fall 2017 commissioning plan
  • He has been updating the commissioning plan
  • Minimum angle for SHMS during the fall run is 7.5
  • Brad S. volunteered to post a run plan regarding the centering of the beam via. carbon hole studies
  • Plans in terms of spectrometer settings and beam energies for the various commissioning tasks must be prepared for next weeks meeting



  • Burcu showed some slides regarding the SHMS acceptance studies
  • The aim is to compare the SHMS acceptance rates utilizing SAMC and KPP data
  • In general the MC agree well with the KPP data


  • Simona showed some slides
  • She provided an update on the quartz plane
  • All 16 bars are ready
  • 8 bars have been tested
  • The remaining 8 bars are currently being tested
  • The frame came out of the SHMS detector stack
  • Will be put back in the stack on Nov. 21
  • Pedestal look solid and are not drifting
  • The pedestal subtracted ADC spectra look good
  • Request was made for a defocused tune so that the bars could be arranged based on performance
  • Help for removing things from the hall was advertised
  • Cookies were 50 micron thin

Heavy Gas Cherenkov

  • Ryan showed some slides
  • They are investigating reduction in observed in NPE’s during the KPP run
  • There are three main suspects
  • Data obtained from manufacturer clearly indicates that there is a wave length cutoff at 400 nm
  • The RTV is also a prime candidate based on recent simulations
  • Simulations indicate that the increase of NPE will be to modify the current optics
  • They have a strategy to remove the bottom two PMTs for the spring running
  • Post march running they will remove the other two PMTs
  • Over summer will conduct complete tests of transparency for all 4 PMT’s
  • Concern is reflections will occur if no optical coupling is present between the PMT and the window
  • Air has not been modeled but could be done, Ryan will work on this, it was emphasized that this needs to be done
  • Garth indicated to Simona that the RTV is 1-2 mm thick
  • Bill arrives onsite within the next couple of weeks
  • Simona still has material to make a cookie if they require to make a new one