Difference between revisions of "CSV Fall 2018 Run Plan"

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Line 216: Line 216:
|  5-10 ||  LD2  ||  50.0 || 3.898 || 0.450 || 0.400 || -5.983 ||  14.24 || -1.842 ||  17.04 ||  -1 ||  30000 ||    n    ||  0:47  || 143.5    ||      NN       
|  5-10 ||  LD2  ||  50.0 || 3.898 || 0.450 || 0.400 || -5.983 ||  14.24 || -1.842 ||  17.04 ||  -1 ||  30000 ||    n    ||  0:47  || 143.5    ||      NN       
|- style="text-align:center; background: #efeff5;"
|- style="text-align:center; background: #efeff5;"
|  5-11 ||  DUM  ||  40.0 || 3.898 || 0.450 || 0.400 || -5.983 ||  14.24 || -1.842 ||  17.04 ||  -1 ||    5201 ||    n   ||  0:30  ||  74.3    ||      6129, 6130 (in progress)     
|  5-11 ||  DUM  ||  40.0 || 3.898 || 0.450 || 0.400 || -5.983 ||  14.24 || -1.842 ||  17.04 ||  -1 ||    5201 ||    /41.3   ||  0:30  ||  74.3    ||      6129, 6130 (in progress)     
|- style="text-align:center; background: #efeff5;"
|- style="text-align:center; background: #efeff5;"
|  5-12 ||  LH2  ||  50.0 || 3.898 || 0.450 || 0.400 || -5.983 ||  14.24 || -1.842 ||  17.04 ||  -1 ||  30000 ||    n    ||  1:39  || 297.1    ||      NN       
|  5-12 ||  LH2  ||  50.0 || 3.898 || 0.450 || 0.400 || -5.983 ||  14.24 || -1.842 ||  17.04 ||  -1 ||  30000 ||    n    ||  1:39  || 297.1    ||      NN       

Revision as of 20:58, 11 November 2018

Quick start instructions

  1. Each setting has count goal to be reached, e.g., "20000/ 276". This means 20000 "good coin events" (see next item) need to be counted. The charge, 276 mC, is just an estimate.
  2. The counts for a given replay are obtained by:<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">

bash_csv counter # will setup environment root -b -q "good_coin_counter2.cxx(6022,-1)" # for run 6022 and all events (-1) </syntaxhighlight> Note: At the start of a new setting, you can do a replay of 100000 events (./run_full_sidis.sh <run> 100000), and run the counter on that analysis (replace "-1" with "100000" in the script arguments) to get an estimate of how many CODA events are required.

  1. Files to update:
    Keep current before running any replays
    Keep track of run info
  2. Update the tables in the wiki:
    1. Add good coin counts in "actual"
    2. Set the correct run (or range of runs) under "Runs"
  3. Go to Information_for_Shift_Takers

Fall 2018 run plan


The goal of the E12-09-002 experiment is to measure the ratio of semi-inclusive pi+ and pi- production from LD2 for the purpose of looking for Charge Symmetry Violation (CSV) in quark distributions.

Experimental setup

  • Main trigger is 3/4 in the HMS in coincidence with 3/4 in the SHMS.
  • HMS is setup for detecting electrons (inclusive DIS measurement).
  • SHMS is setup for detecting charged pions and kaons (semi-inclusive DIS measurement).

Settings to monitor during shift

  • Beam energy: 10.6 GeV. Raster 2x2
  • Beam current:
    • The nominal beam current is 50 muA for pi- and 25 muA for pi+. The main goal is to keep the total rate in the pion arm the same at both polarities (500 kHz or less). If the rate exceeds 500 kHz, please adjust the beam current accordingly.
  • Trigger:
    • Main trigger is 3/4 (TRIG 4) in HMS in coincidence with 3/4 (TRIG1) in SHMS.
  • Prescale: PS6=0 all the time. Adjust PS4 to give at least 100 Hz (and no more than 200 Hz) of HMS singles.


  • Order of Kinematic Settings
    • Hydrogen Elastics
    • Setting 2 (Q2=4, x=0.35, pi+)
    • Setting 1 (Q2=4, x=0.35, pi-)
    • Setting 5 (Q2=4, x=0.45, pi-)
    • Setting 6 (Q2=4, x=0.45, pi+)
    • Setting 10 (Q2=4.75, x=0.45, pi+)
    • Setting 9 (Q2=4.75, x=0.45, pi-)
    • Setting 13 (Q2=4.76, x=0.55, pi-)
    • Setting 14 (Q2=4.76, x=0.55, pi+)

Hydrogen Coincidence Elastics for HMS Checks

Make sure both the HMS and SHMS magnets are cycled appropriately when doing this scan: go to MOL when increasing momentum. PS6=0, all others (ps1, etc.) =-1

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Count Goal est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin
Heep-1a LH2 60.000 8.55 21.06 -6.358 23.63 +5.414 +1 1000 963 11 min 6009 x
Heep-1b LH2 60.000 7.95 19.78 -6.358 25.01 +5.090 +1 1000 2867 10 min 6010 x
Heep-1b-D Dummy 40.000 7.95 19.78 -6.358 25.01 +5.090 +1 N/A 26 10 min 6011 x
Heep-1c LH2 60.000 7.36 18.56 -6.358 26.47 +4.768 +1 1000 3727 15 min 6012 x
Heep-2 LH2 60.000 8.66 21.29 -5.983 23.40 +5.471 +1 1000 1320 12 min 6013 x
Heep-2-D Dummy 40.000 8.66 21.29 -5.983 23.40 +5.471 +1 N/A 9 10 min 6014 x
Heep-3 LH2 60.000 8.16 22.43 -5.714 22.31 +5.744 +1 1000 1008 16 min 6016 x
Heep-3-D Dummy 40.000 8.16 22.43 -5.714 22.31 +5.744 +1 N/A 14 10 min 6015 x
Heep-4 LH2 60.000 9.98 24.42 -5.270 20.60 +6.193 +1 1000 1023 25 min 6017 x

Kinematic Group 1: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.35

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual/mC hr:min charge mC # runs
1-1 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.700 -4.508 16.64 -4.262 11.61 -1 20000 21113 1:31 276.0 6068,6070,6071(done)
1-2 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.700 -4.508 16.64 -4.262 11.61 -1 3694 3639 1:03 151.5 6067(done)
1-3 LH2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.700 -4.508 16.64 -4.262 11.61 -1 20000 23632 3:21 605.8 6065,6066(done)
1-4 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.600 -4.508 16.64 -3.653 11.61 -1 20000 21050 0:54 164.0 6073+6081(done)
1-5 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.600 -4.508 16.64 -3.653 11.61 -1 3589 4368 0:36 87.7 6080 (done)
1-6 LH2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.600 -4.508 16.64 -3.653 11.61 -1 20000 21683 1:56 350.6 6082 6083 (done)
1-7 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.500 -4.508 16.64 -3.043 11.61 -1 20000 20129/111.09 0:53 161.0 6088-6090 (done)
1-8 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.500 -4.508 16.64 -3.043 11.61 -1 5284 5045/150.39 0:35 84.6 6087 (done)
1-9 LH2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.500 -4.508 16.64 -3.043 11.61 -1 20000 22474/273.94 1:52 338.3 6084-6086 (done)
1-10 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.400 -4.508 16.64 -2.433 11.61 -1 20000 19897/90.24 0:37 113.7 6091,6093,6094,6095,6096(done)
1-11 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.400 -4.508 16.64 -2.433 11.61 -1 5231 4688/126.01 0:24 59.2 6097,6098(done)
1-12 LH2 50.0 4.000 0.350 0.400 -4.508 16.64 -2.433 11.61 -1 20000 20536/194 1:18 236.8 6099-6103 (done)

Kinematic group 1 total time : 15.1382 hrs (0.630757 days)

Kinematic Group 2: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.35

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Count/Charge Goals est. time Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min # runs
2-1 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.700 -4.508 16.64 4.262 11.61 +1 20000/ 129 60000/196 1:25 6018-6021 (done)
2-2 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.700 -4.508 16.64 4.262 11.61 +1 5066/ 98 5156/144 0:40 6022 and 6026 (done)
2-3 LH2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.700 -4.508 16.64 4.262 11.61 +1 20000/ 246 19637/145 2:43 6023-6025 (done)
2-4 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.600 -4.508 16.64 3.653 11.61 +1 20000/ 90 21259/93.8 0:59 6029-6032 (done)
2-5 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.600 -4.508 16.64 3.653 11.61 +1 5094/ 69 5659/138.7 0:28 6027-6028 (done)
2-6 LH2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.600 -4.508 16.64 3.653 11.61 +1 20000/ 172 22491/176.5 1:54 6033,6034,6035,6036(done)
2-7 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.500 -4.508 16.64 3.043 11.61 +1 30000/ 99 19644/61.82 1:05 6043-6045 (done)
2-8 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.500 -4.508 16.64 3.043 11.61 +1 7681/ 76 5280/94 0:31 6046 (done)
2-9 LH2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.500 -4.508 16.64 3.043 11.61 +1 30000/ 190 30231/244.6 2:06 6037-6042(done)
2-10 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.400 -4.508 16.64 2.433 11.61 +1 20000/ 165 49396/124 0:49 6049-06054 (over done)
2-11 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.350 0.400 -4.508 16.64 2.433 11.61 +1 5000/ 58 18493/305.36 0:24 6056-6058(done)
2-12 LH2 25.0 4.000 0.350 0.400 -4.508 16.64 2.433 11.61 +1 20000/ 267 58467/205 1:36 6059-6064 (done)

Kinematic group 2 total time : 14.8007 hrs (0.616696 days)

Kinematic Group 3: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.4

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
3-1 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.400 0.700 -5.270 15.38 3.729 14.21 +1 20000 n 1:35 142.8 NN
3-2 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.700 -5.270 15.38 3.729 14.21 +1 1659 n 0:14 35.7 NN
3-3 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.400 0.600 -5.270 15.38 3.195 14.21 +1 20000 n 1:06 99.7 NN
3-4 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.600 -5.270 15.38 3.195 14.21 +1 1660 n 0:10 24.9 NN
3-5 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.400 0.500 -5.270 15.38 2.662 14.21 +1 30000 n 1:13 110.3 NN
3-6 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.500 -5.270 15.38 2.662 14.21 +1 2491 n 0:11 27.6 NN
3-7 LD2 25.0 4.000 0.400 0.400 -5.270 15.38 2.128 14.21 +1 30000 n 0:55 83.7 NN
3-8 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.400 -5.270 15.38 2.128 14.21 +1 2492 n 0:08 20.9 NN

Kinematic group 3 total time : 5.60701 hrs (0.233625 days)

Kinematic Group 4: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.4

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
4-1 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.400 0.700 -5.270 15.38 -3.729 14.21 -1 20000 n 1:42 306.7 NN
4-2 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.700 -5.270 15.38 -3.729 14.21 -1 1683 n 0:31 76.7 NN
4-3 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.400 0.600 -5.270 15.38 -3.195 14.21 -1 20000 n 1:01 183.4 NN
4-4 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.600 -5.270 15.38 -3.195 14.21 -1 1679 n 0:19 45.9 NN
4-5 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.400 0.500 -5.270 15.38 -2.662 14.21 -1 30000 n 1:00 180.8 NN
4-6 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.500 -5.270 15.38 -2.662 14.21 -1 2514 n 0:18 45.2 NN
4-7 LD2 50.0 4.000 0.400 0.400 -5.270 15.38 -2.128 14.21 -1 30000 n 0:42 128.1 NN
4-8 DUM 40.0 4.000 0.400 0.400 -5.270 15.38 -2.128 14.21 -1 2512 n 0:13 32.0 NN

Kinematic group 4 total time : 5.82631 hrs (0.242763 days)

Kinematic Group 5: Q2 = 3.898 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual /mC hr:min charge mC # runs
5-1 LD2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.700 -5.983 14.24 -3.229 17.04 -1 20000 20221/75.98 1:51 334.2 6112-6113,6114
5-2 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.700 -5.983 14.24 -3.229 17.04 -1 3694 4104/101.6 1:16 183.4 6109-6110
5-3 LH2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.700 -5.983 14.24 -3.229 17.04 -1 20000 20138/153.2 4:04 733.5 6104-6106
5-4 LD2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.600 -5.983 14.24 -2.767 17.04 -1 20000 23473/88.66 1:07 202.4 6115-6116(over done)
5-5 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.600 -5.983 14.24 -2.767 17.04 -1 3580 4118/94.76 0:44 107.9 6119,6120
5-6 LH2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.600 -5.983 14.24 -2.767 17.04 -1 20000 21329/168.1 2:23 431.5 6117,6118,6121
5-7 LD2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.500 -5.983 14.24 -2.304 17.04 -1 30000 39327/154 1:07 201.1 6124,6125
5-8 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.500 -5.983 14.24 -2.304 17.04 -1 5261 5525/115 0:43 105.2 6127, 6128
5-9 LH2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.500 -5.983 14.24 -2.304 17.04 -1 30000 33237/291 2:20 420.8 6122,6123,6126
5-10 LD2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.400 -5.983 14.24 -1.842 17.04 -1 30000 n 0:47 143.5 NN
5-11 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.400 -5.983 14.24 -1.842 17.04 -1 5201 /41.3 0:30 74.3 6129, 6130 (in progress)
5-12 LH2 50.0 3.898 0.450 0.400 -5.983 14.24 -1.842 17.04 -1 30000 n 1:39 297.1 NN

Kinematic group 5 total time : 18.6252 hrs (0.776048 days)

Kinematic Group 6: Q2 = 3.898 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
6-1 LD2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.700 -5.983 14.24 3.229 17.04 +1 20000 n 1:44 156.6 NN
6-2 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.700 -5.983 14.24 3.229 17.04 +1 3104 n 0:30 73.3 NN
6-3 LH2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.700 -5.983 14.24 3.229 17.04 +1 20000 n 3:15 293.3 NN
6-4 LD2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.600 -5.983 14.24 2.767 17.04 +1 20000 n 1:13 110.2 NN
6-5 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.600 -5.983 14.24 2.767 17.04 +1 3123 n 0:21 51.9 NN
6-6 LH2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.600 -5.983 14.24 2.767 17.04 +1 20000 n 2:18 207.4 NN
6-7 LD2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.500 -5.983 14.24 2.304 17.04 +1 30000 n 1:21 122.4 NN
6-8 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.500 -5.983 14.24 2.304 17.04 +1 4709 n 0:24 57.9 NN
6-9 LH2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.500 -5.983 14.24 2.304 17.04 +1 30000 n 2:34 231.5 NN
6-10 LD2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.400 -5.983 14.24 1.842 17.04 +1 30000 n 1:02 93.4 NN
6-11 DUM 40.0 3.898 0.450 0.400 -5.983 14.24 1.842 17.04 +1 4726 n 0:18 44.3 NN
6-12 LH2 25.0 3.898 0.450 0.400 -5.983 14.24 1.842 17.04 +1 30000 n 1:58 177.2 NN

Kinematic group 6 total time : 17.0456 hrs (0.710234 days)

Kinematic Group 7: Q2 = 3.979 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
7-1 LD2 25.0 3.979 0.500 0.700 -6.358 13.96 2.966 19.09 +1 20000 n 2:14 202.4 NN
7-2 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.700 -6.358 13.96 2.966 19.09 +1 1656 n 0:21 50.6 NN
7-3 LD2 25.0 3.979 0.500 0.600 -6.358 13.96 2.541 19.09 +1 20000 n 1:35 143.1 NN
7-4 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.600 -6.358 13.96 2.541 19.09 +1 1657 n 0:14 35.8 NN
7-5 LD2 25.0 3.979 0.500 0.500 -6.358 13.96 2.116 19.09 +1 30000 n 1:46 159.2 NN
7-6 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.500 -6.358 13.96 2.116 19.09 +1 2488 n 0:16 39.8 NN
7-7 LD2 25.0 3.979 0.500 0.400 -6.358 13.96 1.691 19.09 +1 30000 n 1:21 121.8 NN
7-8 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.400 -6.358 13.96 1.691 19.09 +1 2488 n 0:12 30.5 NN

Kinematic group 7 total time : 8.04809 hrs (0.335337 days)

Kinematic Group 8: Q2 = 3.979 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
8-1 LD2 50.0 3.979 0.500 0.700 -6.358 13.96 -2.966 19.09 -1 20000 n 2:23 429.3 NN
8-2 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.700 -6.358 13.96 -2.966 19.09 -1 1682 n 0:44 107.3 NN
8-3 LD2 50.0 3.979 0.500 0.600 -6.358 13.96 -2.541 19.09 -1 20000 n 1:27 262.1 NN
8-4 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.600 -6.358 13.96 -2.541 19.09 -1 1678 n 0:27 65.5 NN
8-5 LD2 50.0 3.979 0.500 0.500 -6.358 13.96 -2.116 19.09 -1 30000 n 1:27 261.8 NN
8-6 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.500 -6.358 13.96 -2.116 19.09 -1 2513 n 0:27 65.5 NN
8-7 LD2 50.0 3.979 0.500 0.400 -6.358 13.96 -1.691 19.09 -1 30000 n 1:02 187.5 NN
8-8 DUM 40.0 3.979 0.500 0.400 -6.358 13.96 -1.691 19.09 -1 2510 n 0:19 46.9 NN
total time : 92.6258 hrs (3.85941 days)

Kinematic Group 9: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
9-1 LD2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.700 -4.973 17.26 -3.936 14.16 -1 20000 n 3:23 609.0 NN
9-2 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.700 -4.973 17.26 -3.936 14.16 -1 3715 n 2:20 336.0 NN
9-3 LH2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.700 -4.973 17.26 -3.936 14.16 -1 20000 n 7:28 1344.1 NN
9-4 LD2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.600 -4.973 17.26 -3.373 14.16 -1 20000 n 1:59 359.0 NN
9-5 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.600 -4.973 17.26 -3.373 14.16 -1 3584 n 1:19 191.6 NN
9-6 LH2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.600 -4.973 17.26 -3.373 14.16 -1 20000 n 4:15 766.6 NN
9-7 LD2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.500 -4.973 17.26 -2.810 14.16 -1 30000 n 1:56 349.8 NN
9-8 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.500 -4.973 17.26 -2.810 14.16 -1 5253 n 1:16 182.8 NN
9-9 LH2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.500 -4.973 17.26 -2.810 14.16 -1 30000 n 4:03 731.2 NN
9-10 LD2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.400 -4.973 17.26 -2.246 14.16 -1 30000 n 1:21 245.5 NN
9-11 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.400 -4.973 17.26 -2.246 14.16 -1 5186 n 0:52 126.8 NN
9-12 LH2 50.0 4.750 0.450 0.400 -4.973 17.26 -2.246 14.16 -1 30000 n 2:49 507.2 NN

Kinematic group 9 total time : 33.1056 hrs (1.3794 days)

Kinematic Group 10: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
10-1 LD2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.700 -4.973 17.26 3.936 14.16 +1 20000 n 3:05 278.6 NN
10-2 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.700 -4.973 17.26 3.936 14.16 +1 3077 n 0:53 129.4 NN
10-3 LH2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.700 -4.973 17.26 3.936 14.16 +1 20000 n 5:44 517.4 NN
10-4 LD2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.600 -4.973 17.26 3.373 14.16 +1 20000 n 2:08 192.7 NN
10-5 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.600 -4.973 17.26 3.373 14.16 +1 3097 n 0:37 90.0 NN
10-6 LH2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.600 -4.973 17.26 3.373 14.16 +1 20000 n 4:00 360.1 NN
10-7 LD2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.500 -4.973 17.26 2.810 14.16 +1 30000 n 2:21 211.7 NN
10-8 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.500 -4.973 17.26 2.810 14.16 +1 4674 n 0:41 99.4 NN
10-9 LH2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.500 -4.973 17.26 2.810 14.16 +1 30000 n 4:25 397.8 NN
10-10 LD2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.400 -4.973 17.26 2.246 14.16 +1 30000 n 1:46 159.6 NN
10-11 DUM 40.0 4.750 0.450 0.400 -4.973 17.26 2.246 14.16 +1 4693 n 0:31 75.2 NN
10-12 LH2 25.0 4.750 0.450 0.400 -4.973 17.26 2.246 14.16 +1 30000 n 3:20 301.0 NN

Kinematic group 10 total time : 29.615 hrs (1.23396 days)

Kinematic Group 11: Q2 = 5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
11-1 LD2 25.0 5.000 0.500 0.700 -5.270 17.21 3.729 15.64 +1 20000 n 4:22 393.6 NN
11-2 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.700 -5.270 17.21 3.729 15.64 +1 1655 n 0:40 98.4 NN
11-3 LD2 25.0 5.000 0.500 0.600 -5.270 17.21 3.195 15.64 +1 20000 n 3:01 272.6 NN
11-4 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.600 -5.270 17.21 3.195 15.64 +1 1656 n 0:28 68.2 NN
11-5 LD2 25.0 5.000 0.500 0.500 -5.270 17.21 2.662 15.64 +1 30000 n 3:19 299.4 NN
11-6 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.500 -5.270 17.21 2.662 15.64 +1 2485 n 0:31 74.8 NN
11-7 LD2 25.0 5.000 0.500 0.400 -5.270 17.21 2.128 15.64 +1 30000 n 2:30 225.7 NN
11-8 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.400 -5.270 17.21 2.128 15.64 +1 2486 n 0:23 56.4 NN

Kinematic group 11 total time : 15.3056 hrs (0.637731 days)

Kinematic Group 12: Q2 = 5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
12-1 LD2 50.0 5.000 0.500 0.700 -5.270 17.21 -3.729 15.64 -1 20000 n 4:47 861.1 NN
12-2 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.700 -5.270 17.21 -3.729 15.64 -1 1683 n 1:29 215.3 NN
12-3 LD2 50.0 5.000 0.500 0.600 -5.270 17.21 -3.195 15.64 -1 20000 n 2:49 508.6 NN
12-4 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.600 -5.270 17.21 -3.195 15.64 -1 1678 n 0:52 127.2 NN
12-5 LD2 50.0 5.000 0.500 0.500 -5.270 17.21 -2.662 15.64 -1 30000 n 2:45 495.8 NN
12-6 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.500 -5.270 17.21 -2.662 15.64 -1 2513 n 0:51 124.0 NN
12-7 LD2 50.0 5.000 0.500 0.400 -5.270 17.21 -2.128 15.64 -1 30000 n 1:55 348.0 NN
12-8 DUM 40.0 5.000 0.500 0.400 -5.270 17.21 -2.128 15.64 -1 2510 n 0:36 87.0 NN

Kinematic group 12 total time : 16.1401 hrs (0.672505 days)

Kinematic Group 13: Q2 = 4.764 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
13-1 LD2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.700 -5.983 15.75 -3.229 18.55 -1 20000 n 5:04 914.4 NN
13-2 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.700 -5.983 15.75 -3.229 18.55 -1 3707 n 3:29 503.5 NN
13-3 LH2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.700 -5.983 15.75 -3.229 18.55 -1 20000 n 11:11 2013.8 NN
13-4 LD2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.600 -5.983 15.75 -2.767 18.55 -1 20000 n 3:03 549.4 NN
13-5 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.600 -5.983 15.75 -2.767 18.55 -1 3571 n 2:01 292.3 NN
13-6 LH2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.600 -5.983 15.75 -2.767 18.55 -1 20000 n 6:29 1169.1 NN
13-7 LD2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.500 -5.983 15.75 -2.304 18.55 -1 30000 n 3:00 541.7 NN
13-8 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.500 -5.983 15.75 -2.304 18.55 -1 5231 n 1:57 281.9 NN
13-9 LH2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.500 -5.983 15.75 -2.304 18.55 -1 30000 n 6:15 1127.8 NN
13-10 LD2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.400 -5.983 15.75 -1.842 18.55 -1 30000 n 2:07 383.6 NN
13-11 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.400 -5.983 15.75 -1.842 18.55 -1 5161 n 1:22 197.2 NN
13-12 LH2 50.0 4.764 0.550 0.400 -5.983 15.75 -1.842 18.55 -1 30000 n 4:22 788.7 NN

Kinematic group 13 total time : 50.455 hrs (2.10229 days)

Kinematic Group 14: Q2 = 4.764 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
14-1 LD2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.700 -5.983 15.75 3.229 18.55 +1 20000 n 4:42 424.2 NN
14-2 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.700 -5.983 15.75 3.229 18.55 +1 3030 n 1:20 194.2 NN
14-3 LH2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.700 -5.983 15.75 3.229 18.55 +1 20000 n 8:37 777.0 NN
14-4 LD2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.600 -5.983 15.75 2.767 18.55 +1 20000 n 3:18 297.1 NN
14-5 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.600 -5.983 15.75 2.767 18.55 +1 3051 n 0:57 136.9 NN
14-6 LH2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.600 -5.983 15.75 2.767 18.55 +1 20000 n 6:05 547.6 NN
14-7 LD2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.500 -5.983 15.75 2.304 18.55 +1 30000 n 3:38 327.9 NN
14-8 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.500 -5.983 15.75 2.304 18.55 +1 4605 n 1:03 151.9 NN
14-9 LH2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.500 -5.983 15.75 2.304 18.55 +1 30000 n 6:45 607.7 NN
14-10 LD2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.400 -5.983 15.75 1.842 18.55 +1 30000 n 2:45 248.8 NN
14-11 DUM 40.0 4.764 0.550 0.400 -5.983 15.75 1.842 18.55 +1 4625 n 0:48 115.7 NN
14-12 LH2 25.0 4.764 0.550 0.400 -5.983 15.75 1.842 18.55 +1 30000 n 5:08 463.0 NN

Kinematic group 14 total time : 45.194 hrs (1.88308 days)

Kinematic Group 15: Q2 = 4.775 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
15-1 LD2 25.0 4.775 0.600 0.700 -6.358 15.30 2.966 20.58 +1 20000 n 6:03 545.3 NN
15-2 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.700 -6.358 15.30 2.966 20.58 +1 1653 n 0:56 136.3 NN
15-3 LD2 25.0 4.775 0.600 0.600 -6.358 15.30 2.541 20.58 +1 20000 n 4:16 384.6 NN
15-4 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.600 -6.358 15.30 2.541 20.58 +1 1654 n 0:40 96.1 NN
15-5 LD2 25.0 4.775 0.600 0.500 -6.358 15.30 2.116 20.58 +1 30000 n 4:43 425.5 NN
15-6 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.500 -6.358 15.30 2.116 20.58 +1 2483 n 0:44 106.4 NN
15-7 LD2 25.0 4.775 0.600 0.400 -6.358 15.30 1.691 20.58 +1 30000 n 3:36 324.2 NN
15-8 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.400 -6.358 15.30 1.691 20.58 +1 2484 n 0:33 81.1 NN

Kinematic group 15 total time : 21.5776 hrs (0.899065 days)

Kinematic Group 16: Q2 = 4.775 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
16-1 LD2 50.0 4.775 0.600 0.700 -6.358 15.30 -2.966 20.58 -1 20000 n 6:27 1161.7 NN
16-2 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.700 -6.358 15.30 -2.966 20.58 -1 1683 n 2:01 290.4 NN
16-3 LD2 50.0 4.775 0.600 0.600 -6.358 15.30 -2.541 20.58 -1 20000 n 3:55 706.0 NN
16-4 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.600 -6.358 15.30 -2.541 20.58 -1 1678 n 1:13 176.5 NN
16-5 LD2 50.0 4.775 0.600 0.500 -6.358 15.30 -2.116 20.58 -1 30000 n 3:53 701.3 NN
16-6 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.500 -6.358 15.30 -2.116 20.58 -1 2512 n 1:13 175.3 NN
16-7 LD2 50.0 4.775 0.600 0.400 -6.358 15.30 -1.691 20.58 -1 30000 n 2:46 499.3 NN
16-8 DUM 40.0 4.775 0.600 0.400 -6.358 15.30 -1.691 20.58 -1 2509 n 0:52 124.8 NN
total time : 233.766 hrs (9.74024 days)

Kinematic Group 17: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
17-1 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.500 0.700 -4.736 19.05 -4.102 14.17 -1 20000 n 6:33 1181.9 NN
17-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.700 -4.736 19.05 -4.102 14.17 -1 1684 n 2:03 295.5 NN
17-3 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.500 0.700 -4.736 19.05 4.102 14.17 +1 20000 n 5:56 534.6 NN
17-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.700 -4.736 19.05 4.102 14.17 +1 1654 n 0:55 133.7 NN

Kinematic group 17 total time : 15.4866 hrs (0.645276 days)

Kinematic Group 18: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
18-1 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.500 0.600 -4.736 19.05 3.515 14.17 +1 20000 n 4:04 367.4 NN
18-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.600 -4.736 19.05 3.515 14.17 +1 1655 n 0:38 91.8 NN
18-3 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.500 0.600 -4.736 19.05 -3.515 14.17 -1 20000 n 3:49 689.8 NN
18-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.600 -4.736 19.05 -3.515 14.17 -1 1678 n 1:11 172.5 NN

Kinematic group 18 total time : 9.75011 hrs (0.406254 days)

Kinematic Group 19: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
19-1 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.500 0.500 -4.736 19.05 -2.928 14.17 -1 30000 n 3:42 666.7 NN
19-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.500 -4.736 19.05 -2.928 14.17 -1 2513 n 1:09 166.7 NN
19-3 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.500 0.500 -4.736 19.05 2.928 14.17 +1 30000 n 4:27 401.5 NN
19-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.500 -4.736 19.05 2.928 14.17 +1 2485 n 0:41 100.4 NN

Kinematic group 19 total time : 10.0194 hrs (0.417474 days)

Kinematic Group 20: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
20-1 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.500 0.400 -4.736 19.05 2.341 14.17 +1 30000 n 3:20 301.2 NN
20-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.400 -4.736 19.05 2.341 14.17 +1 2486 n 0:31 75.3 NN
20-3 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.500 0.400 -4.736 19.05 -2.341 14.17 -1 30000 n 2:34 464.5 NN
20-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.500 0.400 -4.736 19.05 -2.341 14.17 -1 2510 n 0:48 116.1 NN

Kinematic group 20 total time : 7.2565 hrs (0.302354 days)

Kinematic Group 21: Q2 = 5.499 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
21-1 LD2 50.0 5.499 0.550 0.700 -5.270 18.05 -3.728 16.29 -1 20000 n 8:05 1457.8 NN
21-2 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.700 -5.270 18.05 -3.728 16.29 -1 1684 n 2:31 364.4 NN
21-3 LD2 25.0 5.499 0.550 0.700 -5.270 18.05 3.728 16.29 +1 20000 n 7:22 663.9 NN
21-4 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.700 -5.270 18.05 3.728 16.29 +1 1653 n 1:09 166.0 NN

Kinematic group 21 total time : 19.1588 hrs (0.798284 days)

Kinematic Group 22: Q2 = 5.499 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
22-1 LD2 25.0 5.499 0.550 0.600 -5.270 18.05 3.195 16.29 +1 20000 n 5:05 458.9 NN
22-2 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.600 -5.270 18.05 3.195 16.29 +1 1654 n 0:47 114.7 NN
22-3 LD2 50.0 5.499 0.550 0.600 -5.270 18.05 -3.195 16.29 -1 20000 n 4:46 858.2 NN
22-4 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.600 -5.270 18.05 -3.195 16.29 -1 1678 n 1:29 214.6 NN

Kinematic group 22 total time : 12.1535 hrs (0.506396 days)

Kinematic Group 23: Q2 = 5.499 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
23-1 LD2 50.0 5.499 0.550 0.500 -5.270 18.05 -2.661 16.29 -1 30000 n 4:38 834.0 NN
23-2 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.500 -5.270 18.05 -2.661 16.29 -1 2512 n 1:26 208.5 NN
23-3 LD2 25.0 5.499 0.550 0.500 -5.270 18.05 2.661 16.29 +1 30000 n 5:35 502.6 NN
23-4 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.500 -5.270 18.05 2.661 16.29 +1 2483 n 0:52 125.6 NN

Kinematic group 23 total time : 12.5379 hrs (0.522411 days)

Kinematic Group 24: Q2 = 5.499 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
24-1 LD2 25.0 5.499 0.550 0.400 -5.270 18.05 2.127 16.29 +1 30000 n 4:12 378.0 NN
24-2 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.400 -5.270 18.05 2.127 16.29 +1 2484 n 0:39 94.5 NN
24-3 LD2 50.0 5.499 0.550 0.400 -5.270 18.05 -2.127 16.29 -1 30000 n 3:14 583.4 NN
24-4 DUM 40.0 5.499 0.550 0.400 -5.270 18.05 -2.127 16.29 -1 2509 n 1:00 145.8 NN

Kinematic group 24 total time : 9.11064 hrs (0.37961 days)

Kinematic Group 25: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
25-1 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.600 0.700 -5.714 17.33 -3.418 18.30 -1 20000 n 10:17 1853.6 NN
25-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.700 -5.714 17.33 -3.418 18.30 -1 1683 n 3:13 463.4 NN
25-3 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.600 0.700 -5.714 17.33 3.418 18.30 +1 20000 n 9:28 852.4 NN
25-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.700 -5.714 17.33 3.418 18.30 +1 1652 n 1:28 213.1 NN

Kinematic group 25 total time : 24.4658 hrs (1.01941 days)

Kinematic Group 26: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
26-1 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.600 0.600 -5.714 17.33 2.928 18.30 +1 20000 n 6:35 593.0 NN
26-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.600 -5.714 17.33 2.928 18.30 +1 1653 n 1:01 148.2 NN
26-3 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.600 0.600 -5.714 17.33 -2.928 18.30 -1 20000 n 6:07 1102.2 NN
26-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.600 -5.714 17.33 -2.928 18.30 -1 1678 n 1:54 275.5 NN

Kinematic group 26 total time : 15.6546 hrs (0.652274 days)

Kinematic Group 27: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
27-1 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.600 0.500 -5.714 17.33 -2.439 18.30 -1 30000 n 5:59 1077.8 NN
27-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.500 -5.714 17.33 -2.439 18.30 -1 2512 n 1:52 269.4 NN
27-3 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.600 0.500 -5.714 17.33 2.439 18.30 +1 30000 n 7:13 650.8 NN
27-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.500 -5.714 17.33 2.439 18.30 +1 2482 n 1:07 162.7 NN

Kinematic group 27 total time : 16.2192 hrs (0.675802 days)

Kinematic Group 28: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
28-1 LD2 25.0 5.500 0.600 0.400 -5.714 17.33 1.950 18.30 +1 30000 n 5:27 491.0 NN
28-2 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.400 -5.714 17.33 1.950 18.30 +1 2483 n 0:51 122.8 NN
28-3 LD2 50.0 5.500 0.600 0.400 -5.714 17.33 -1.950 18.30 -1 30000 n 4:12 757.3 NN
28-4 DUM 40.0 5.500 0.600 0.400 -5.714 17.33 -1.950 18.30 -1 2509 n 1:18 189.3 NN

Kinematic group 28 total time : 11.8304 hrs (0.492934 days)

Kinematic Group 29: Q2 = 5.63 GeV2, x = 0.65

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
29-1 LD2 50.0 5.630 0.650 0.700 -5.983 17.14 -3.229 19.85 -1 20000 n 14:27 2601.0 NN
29-2 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.700 -5.983 17.14 -3.229 19.85 -1 1683 n 4:30 650.3 NN
29-3 LD2 25.0 5.630 0.650 0.700 -5.983 17.14 3.229 19.85 +1 20000 n 13:24 1206.2 NN
29-4 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.700 -5.983 17.14 3.229 19.85 +1 1651 n 2:05 301.6 NN

Kinematic group 29 total time : 34.4627 hrs (1.43594 days)

Kinematic Group 30: Q2 = 5.63 GeV2, x = 0.65

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
30-1 LD2 25.0 5.630 0.650 0.600 -5.983 17.14 2.767 19.85 +1 20000 n 9:21 842.9 NN
30-2 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.600 -5.983 17.14 2.767 19.85 +1 1653 n 1:27 210.7 NN
30-3 LD2 50.0 5.630 0.650 0.600 -5.983 17.14 -2.767 19.85 -1 20000 n 8:39 1558.0 NN
30-4 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.600 -5.983 17.14 -2.767 19.85 -1 1678 n 2:42 389.5 NN

Kinematic group 30 total time : 22.1895 hrs (0.924563 days)

Kinematic Group 31: Q2 = 5.63 GeV2, x = 0.65

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
31-1 LD2 50.0 5.630 0.650 0.500 -5.983 17.14 -2.304 19.85 -1 30000 n 8:30 1530.1 NN
31-2 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.500 -5.983 17.14 -2.304 19.85 -1 2511 n 2:39 382.5 NN
31-3 LD2 25.0 5.630 0.650 0.500 -5.983 17.14 2.304 19.85 +1 30000 n 10:17 926.0 NN
31-4 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.500 -5.983 17.14 2.304 19.85 +1 2481 n 1:36 231.5 NN

Kinematic group 31 total time : 23.053 hrs (0.960542 days)

Kinematic Group 32: Q2 = 5.63 GeV2, x = 0.65

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Good Count Goals Estimates Runs
number target Ibeam Q2 x z P HMS th_HMS P SHMS th_SHMS pol desired actual hr:min charge mC # runs
32-1 LD2 25.0 5.630 0.650 0.400 -5.983 17.14 1.842 19.85 +1 30000 n 7:46 700.0 NN
32-2 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.400 -5.983 17.14 1.842 19.85 +1 2482 n 1:12 175.0 NN
32-3 LD2 50.0 5.630 0.650 0.400 -5.983 17.14 -1.842 19.85 -1 30000 n 5:59 1078.3 NN
32-4 DUM 40.0 5.630 0.650 0.400 -5.983 17.14 -1.842 19.85 -1 2508 n 1:52 269.6 NN
total time : 260.204 hrs (10.8418 days)

run time: 586.596 hrs (24.4415 days)