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SHMS and HMS Angle Cam Images in CODA files

The angle camera images are stored at the start of every CODA run. They can be extracted using the /home/coda/coda/scripts/Angle_snapshots/get_coda_photos tool.

This script uses evio2xml to support extracting the image so you will need to run it in a place that has access to the coda tools. There are lots of ways to do this, but the simplest is to just login to cdaq@cdaql1.

Login to the cdaq cluster, cd into an appropriate directory, and make a symlink of the script here:

 % ln -s /home/coda/coda/scripts/Angle_snapshots/get_coda_photos .

Or copy the script if you want:

 % cp /home/coda/coda/scripts/Angle_snapshots/get_coda_photos .

The basic syntax is "./get_coda_photos <coda_file.dat>". It will extract the angle-cam images into your current working directory. For example:

 ./get_coda_photos  /cache/hallc/spring17/raw/coin_all_07977.dat


 SHMS_angle_07977.jpg, and

If you are in a directory with symlinks to raw/, cache/, etc, then you can just give it the filename and it will search the usual list of paths automatically like the analyzer does:

 ./get_coda_photos coin_all_07977.dat