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[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Newsletter_Listing_for_SHMS/HMS Archive of historical newsletters].
[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Newsletter_Listing_for_SHMS/HMS Archive of historical newsletters].
==Hall C email lists==
[https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/hallc Hall C] This is the general email list for any Hall C related information.
[https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/hallc_running Hall C running]. This is the general email list for information on any running Hall C experiments.
[https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/hallcsw Hall C Analysis Software]
==Hall C Working Groups ==
There are presently three Hall C Working Groups (WGs) - all formed in November/December 2022. These WGs oversee a specific project or to give advice on a specific theme of relevance to Hall C. Any member of the JLab community may participate in these WGs. To join contact the WG conveners and/or join the Hall C or WG specific mailing lists. Please see the links below for further details on meeting calendars, past meeting archives, etc. For more information on Hall C WGs in general please see the bylaws.
[[Spectrometer Performance and Future Upgrades]]
[[Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Hall C]]
[[Future Science]]
==User Board==
==User Board==

Revision as of 13:56, 20 February 2023

Joint Hall A & C Collaboration Meeting June 2019

General Information

Following on from the suggestion of a more formal organisation of those groups involved in the design and construction of the SHMS by the Hall C Detector Design and Safety Review, a committee was charged with this task at the 2008 Hall C summer workshop. This committee felt that a relatively open organisation would facilitate communication and collaboration within the Hall C user community. Currently it is envisaged that a SHMS-HMS User Group would exist in parallel with the Hall C steering committee; it will be up to the users to decide if the SHMS-HMS Users Group becomes the single formal Hall C users organisation at a later date.

Archive of historical newsletters.

Hall C email lists

Hall C This is the general email list for any Hall C related information.

Hall C running. This is the general email list for information on any running Hall C experiments.

Hall C Analysis Software

Hall C Working Groups

There are presently three Hall C Working Groups (WGs) - all formed in November/December 2022. These WGs oversee a specific project or to give advice on a specific theme of relevance to Hall C. Any member of the JLab community may participate in these WGs. To join contact the WG conveners and/or join the Hall C or WG specific mailing lists. Please see the links below for further details on meeting calendars, past meeting archives, etc. For more information on Hall C WGs in general please see the bylaws.

Spectrometer Performance and Future Upgrades

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Hall C

Future Science

User Board

The SHMS-HMS User Group was formally started at the 2009 Hall C summer workshop when the initial user board was appointed by the Hall C leader. Members were appointed with staggered terms. As the terms of the initial board expire, elections are held by the user group to replace board members.

Current Board 2022—2023

Board Member Email Institution Term expires
Stephen Kay stephen.kay@uregina.ca U of Regina 9/1/2025
Marie Boer mboer@jlab.org VT 9/1/2025
Arun Tadepalli arunts@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2023
Tanja Horn hornt@cua.edu CUA 9/1/2023
Bill Henry wmhenry@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2024
Pete Markowitz markowit@fiu.edu FIU 9/1/2024

Previous Board 2021—2022

Board Member Email Institution Term expires
David Hamilton dhamilto@jlab.org Glasgow 9/1/2022
Simona Malace simona@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2022
Arun Tadepalli arunts@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2023
Tanja Horn hornt@cua.edu CUA 9/1/2023
Bill Henry wmhenry@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2024
Pete Markowitz markowit@fiu.edu FIU 9/1/2024

Previous Board 2020—2021

Board Member Email Institution Term expires
Holly Szumila-Vance hszumila@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2021
Dipangkar Dutta ddutta@jlab.org MSU 9/1/2021
David Hamilton dhamilto@jlab.org Glasgow 9/1/2022
Simona Malace simona@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2022
Arun Tadepalli arunts@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2023
Tanja Horn hornt@cua.edu CUA 9/1/2023

Previous Board 2019—2020

Board Member Email Institution Term expires
Narbe Kalantarians narbe@jlab.org VUU 9/1/2020
Joerg Reinhold reinhold@jlab.org FIU 9/1/2020
Holly Szumila-Vance hszumila@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2021
Dipangkar Dutta ddutta@jlab.org MSU 9/1/2021
David Hamilton dhamilto@jlab.org Glasgow 9/1/2022
Simona Malace simona@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2022

Previous Board 2018—2019

Board Member Email Institution Term expires
Werner Boeglin boeglinw@jlab.org FIU 9/1/2019
Brad Sawatzky brads@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2019
Narbe Kalantarians narbe@jlab.org VUU 9/1/2020
Joerg Reinhold reinhold@jlab.org FIU 9/1/2020
Holly Szumila-Vance hszumila@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2021
Dipangkar Dutta ddutta@jlab.org MSU 9/1/2021

Previous Board 2017—2018

Board Member Email Institution Term expires
Ed Brash brash@jlab.org CNU 9/1/2018
Abdellah Ahmidouch abdellah@ncat.edu NC A&T 9/1/2018
Werner Boeglin boeglinw@jlab.org FIU 9/1/2019
Brad Sawatzky brads@jlab.org JLab 9/1/2019
Narbe Kalantarians narbe@jlab.org VUU 9/1/2020
Joerg Reinhold reinhold@jlab.org FIU 9/1/2020

Past Boards

Hall C UGB Past Boards


The SHMS-HMS Users Group bylaws are available here.

Email list

SHMS Mailing List (shms_users@jlab.org) is the mailing list for sharing information on the SHMS and 12 GeV upgrade in general. By going to SHMS Mailing List (shms_users@jlab.org), one can subscribe to the list or review the list archives.

SHMS-HMS Detector groups (pre-2017)



Current Project

Howard Fenker

JLab, Hall C

12 GeV Assistant Project Manager

Donal Day

University of Virginia

Noble Gas Cerenkov

Dipangkar Dutta

Mississippi State University


Tanja Horn

Catholic University of America

Aerogel Cerenkov

Garth Huber

University of Regina

Heavy Gas Cerenkov

Hamlet Mkrtchyan

NSL (Yerevan)


Eric Christy

Peter Monaghan

Hampton University

Drift Chambers

Ioana Niculescu

James Madison University

Scintillator Hodoscopes

Charles Perdrisat

College of William and Mary

Support Structure

Abdellah Amidouch

Sam Danagoulian

North Carolina A&T

Quartz Hodoscope

Brad Sawatzky

JLab, Hall C

DAQ, Gas system