Polarized Helium-3 Experiments

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Pol He-3 Analysis Resources


Basic Template for each Detector/Calibration Procedure

For each detector subsystem we would like to capture/document the following information:

  • A list of all (or at least the most useful) ROOT tree variables associated with this detector
  • Description of the calibration algorithm (That is, how is it supposed to work -- what is the logic behind it?)
  • Files involved in the calibration
    • THc* or THa* modules that are needed/used
    • Database files that will be modified
    • Scripts that will be used
    • Dependencies of this calibration
      • Reference time cuts should be verified
      • FADC 'hit selection' timing cuts should be verified
      • Calorimeter calibration relies on good optics calibration for momentum determination
      • If tight timing cuts are used, then the hodoscopes may need to be calibrated first, etc
      • ... etc
  • Provide a step-by-step "Howto" that shows
    • What commands/scripts need to be run, in what order.
    • How do you verify that various cuts (ref times, trigger types, etc) are correct before you run the script(s)?
    • What do you look for to verify that the code has run correctly after you run the script(s)?



Gas Cerenkovs

Aerogel (?)


