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The b1 Experiment

PR12-11-010 is a proposal to measure the deuteron tensor structure function b1 in Jefferson Lab's Hall C.

Meetings Info

Relevant Publications

  • Elastic electron deuteron scattering on a tensor polarized solid ND 3 target. B. Boden et al, Z.Phys. C49 (1991) 175-186. (link) (pdf)
  • Polarized H,D and 3He Targets for Particle Physics Experiments. St. Goertz, W. Meyer and G. Reicherz. Prog. Part. and Nucl. Phys. 49 (2002) 403-489. (link)
  • Proposal to measure t11 in elastic e-D scattering at JLab J. Mitchell et al. (pdf)
  • Tensor Polarized Deuteron Targets for intermediate energy physics experiments. W. Meyer and E. Schilling BONN-HE-85-06. (pdf)
  • Dynamic Orientation of Nuclei at Low Temperatures W. de Boer CERN-74-11. (pdf)
  • Inclusive deuteron electrodisintegration with polarized electrons and a polarized target W. Leidemann, E.L. Tomusiak, H. Arenhovel Phys.Rev.C43(1991)1022-1037. (link)
  • Status of the T20 Experiment at VEPP-3. S.G. Popov et al. (pdf).
  • Angular momentum sum rule for spin-one hadronic systems Swadhin K. Taneja, Kunal Kathuria, Simonetta Liuti, and Gary R. Goldstein . (pdf).
  • Talk by R. Jaffe on b1 and other SF's (undated). (pdf).
  • Another talk on b1 (by A. Manohar(?), undated). (pdf).

Technical Notes

  • Prospects for tensor polarization (Rough Draft). K. Slifer. (pdf)

Mailing List

The b1 mailing list is b1@jlab.org. You can subscribe at http://mailman.jlab.org

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