2010 Summer Workshop

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Revision as of 16:26, 28 July 2010 by Huberg (talk | contribs)
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Put ";" before speaker, follow with "Confirmed" if so and in parenthesis who is contacting speaker Next line put ":" in front of title or topic

Exclusive Reactions

Dipangkar Dutta or GH - (Huber)
Transverse spin asymmetries in exclusive pion production
Patricia Solvignon - Confirmed (Wood)
Summary of Polarized target workshop
Tanja Horn or ? - (Horn)
Kaon scaling and SHMS Aerogel detector status


JianWei Qiu - Confirmed (Wood)
SIDIS Overview

Hadrons in Nuclear Medium


Howard Fenker - Confirmed (Wood)
12 GeV update
Garth Huber
SHMS+HMS User Board Election