Hall C Futures

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Previous talks

Yellow Report Workshops

  • A Triple Coincidence Experiment: u-channel DVCS at Hall C - Garth Huber, Bill Li [link]
  • Electro-weak (e+-, e’) Measurements with Unpolarized Target - Dave Mack [link]
  • A Triple Coincidence Experiment: u-channel DVCS at Hall C - Garth Huber, Bill Li [link]
  • Opportunities with High Intensity Photons and Polarized Target - Tanja Horn [link]
  • A high luminosity spectrometer based on a compact, high-field Solenoid for DVCS, DVMP, TDIS and more - Nilanga Liyanage [link]
  • Positron Beams at Jefferson Lab - Status Report - Joe Grames [link]
  • Positron Machine, Future Prospects - Yves Roblin [link]

Pion and Kaon Structure at the EIC

  • ECT* Workshop 2021 [link]
  • CFNS Workshop 2020 [link]
  • PIEIC 2018 [link]
  • PIEIC 2017 [link]

ECT* Workshops

Conference Presentations

Richard Trotta's presentation at Workshop on Pion and Kaon structure functions at EIC , 2-5 June 2020 [pdf]


  • Link to Overleaf review document link


Next General Meson SF Meeting: Monday 28 June at 4:00PM ET

EIC Meson SF Meeting Material and Summaries

The teleconferencing service is called "BlueJeans". Please see the information below to use it:

Conference ID 7578012727

Audio Dial: 1-888-240-2560 (US or Canada only) (see all numbers) and enter the Conference ID

Browser and Desktop sharing https://bluejeans.com/7578012727 (REMEMBER to turn off microphone and speaker after joining to avoid echoing if you use the phone line for audio)

Meeting system "bluejeans" additional information:

  • Using a computer, through a browser go to https://bluejeans.com/7578012727/browser. You can use the desktop sharing feature, audio if your computer has a microphone and speaker, and video if you have a webcam. To do so go to the conference link above and join as guest
  • Using the phone line option should have better audio quality because it is not limited by network speed.
  • If you use a browser, it is recommended to use firefox on mac,windows and linux. Note that you may have to download and install a plugin the first time you use it. On linux, the plugin is only available for 64bit firefox and it needs to be installed it as administrator/superuser.
  • There is a bluejeans app available that you can use on your mobile device to connect. The app can be downloaded from your device's app store.



Useful links

Useful references

  • EIC White Paper (updated 2014 version), Eur. Phys. J. A52 (2016) no.9, 268, [link]